All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 81.0
Mean Score:
- Watching11
- Completed233
- On-Hold7
- Dropped34
- Plan to Watch216
- Total Entries501
- Rewatched30
- Episodes4,762
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 86.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries299
- Reread20
- Chapters11,666
- Volumes935
All Comments (674) Comments
My female associate is beautiful from skin to bone
Halt, men are observing
I swear to the almighty they are my replicates
I am constantly changing my female wrenches akin to my speech patterns
I am constantly changing my speech patterns like my vetements
I fire weapons and I do not recapcitate them
Questionable mating noises, the whore now wants to procreate with my comrades
Having quoits with your woman as she is a promiscuous wrench, promiscuous wrench
However I had spent the wealth I generated from years of making commercially successful albums on another purchase of highly luxury Rolex watches, thereby insinuating that I am a man of wealth, and that I do not respect my fair lady