My top 5 list 1)Welcome to the NHK:A pretty interesting character study of a hikkikomori, a good example of a narrative that prompts you to empathize with a character while also finding him despicable. Definitely a very personal pick because unlike Eva, if you can't relate to the MC there is nothing here for you 2)NGE(Evangelion):I should not have to expand upon this pick too much. It's the most influential and generation crossing anime since Akira, and I watched it when I was a really impressionable 15/16 yr old(can't quite remember) 3)Death Note:Speaking of angsty teenagers, Death Note is probably one of the only pieces of anime that crosses over to pop-culture that I believes deserves it. It's playful,fun,angsty, and an emotionally gripping narrative that asks basic questions of morality(if you squint at it hard enough). Albeit it does lose steam during the second half 4)The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya:Haruhi, despite being completely unrelated, comes closest to capturing the spirit of 80's-90's Gainax. Anime for anime's sake; It understands the fandom,tropes, and culture and demonstrates that knowledge in a self referential, reflective way that few other anime really do. For everything this show attempts, it executes it very well. 5)Perfect Blue:Everyone owes it to themselves to watch a Satoshi Kon film and this is the best place to start. Not just because it is his directorial debut, but because it is quick, punchy, and effective.
It's always a joy when I get around to watching something that has been on my radar for a while. Midori Days is one of the anime that I heard about way back when that was generally viewed upon positively. Even today on MAL you can see that this is sitting at a high 7. Moslty because it has a fond spot in the heart of milennial anime fans I suspect.
Midori Days is fine. I was impressed by the strength of its production. You can tell Studio Pierrot and the staff were really trying to punch up this material through dramatizations and portraying the full story in a limited number of episodes. To get into the various merits of the story. It's a very familiar story, the characters for the most part are archetypes but that doesn't stop them from feeling like real people... sometimes. The subplots are very repetitive as well and some characters are better realized than others. When it comes to the genre of coming-of-age romantic comedy's I definitely think that there is a very specific way to do them well, to really make the story sparkle. With the flood of anime in this genre I think there isn't much reason to watch this outside of a specific historical interest in anime made 20 years ago.
completed - (1) Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu - The best anime spinoff I have seen. An actual improvement upon the original series that I watched a few months back.
The show doubled down by focusing on what captivated the audience about the original series. That being the more slice of life aspects contrasted with the weird military plotlines. This spinoff rightly gave the audience what it really wanted from the original by making this a less serious, kind of goofy and dumb-at-times anime romcom. I could do a full review because I think there is some stuff dig into here in terms of the side characters and direction.
Something that I did want to touch on briefly which I think is something so brilliant about this spinoff in general is how it really clarifies my understanding of the first series. I thought Sousuke was the main character as opposed to Kaname was simply because he is a male and he is the one driving forward the plot. There is another explanation though. From a narrative sense, like all sitcom characters. Sousuke is a dysfunctional character that we want to see happy. This series. Spending summertime in Japan with the ability to just live a normal life, is his slice of happiness. It is also what makes this spinoff so rewarding because we get to see this series from Sousuke's perspective and understand why this usually mundane, slice of life episodes/subplots work in execution and have a fresher perspective.
This is a strong 8/10. It really reminded me of the better episodes of the forgotten but still great Kimagure Orange Road. It's a rom-com at its core but it has the ability to be slow and introspective, it has the ability to be comedic and the ability to also be fast paced when it wants to. The only reason I am not giving it a 9 is simply due to the fact that there are a handful of throwaway episodes here. Most of which come towards the end of the series unfortunately.
Full Metal Panic! - This is one of the first shows that I have binged in it's entirety in a long time so it is fair to say I enjoyed it quite a bit. Albeit not perfect
I really, really, loved when this show would set up the dichotomy of the grimdark war story with the peaceful mundaneness of civilian life. I believe this was the first full length anime directed by Kyoto Animation and it shows in a good way. Their visual flair, and the care that they took with trying to get the direction right really shows. The story can be hokey and somewhat bland in areas. Which was one of the reasons I put this on hold initially.
To be fair most of the problems in this were from a storytelling point of view not in the production. It went the Ruroni Kenshin, Inuyasha route where it had an ongoing villain who just mysteriously would not die and kept popping back up to create conflict/tension in the plot. The character development was virtually non-existent for some characters and the narrative was not that complex or multilayered.
For the story it was trying to execute (a simple anime rom-com with mechs) it is very good and I want to make that clear. Overall, in comparison to other anime before and since it is something that should be saved until you have nothing else to watch.
watching - (2) Dennou Coil - I watched like 6 episodes(?) of this almost a year ago and thought I should give my updated thoughts.
Um, I didn't like it. I didn't find it unwatchable, but it generally has such a lackadaisical pace without giving the audience any reason to continue watching this. I wasn't sure where it was going, what were the stakes, the mystery was extremely understated. I might come back to it, but without the story developing in any compelling direction i don't know why i would continue to watch this.
Jujutsu Kaisen - I just have to come to the conclusion that I really am not a huge fan of shounen. At this point in my life I need a story with clear parameters for a beginning and ending and not something that can just drag on forever.
I can see why this caught on. The artwork and aesthetic really pops and standouts which is half the battle for a shounen jump action show because people already kind of know what to expect going in.
on hold - (1) GTO - I enjoyed it for what it was worth, but after about 20 or so episodes it feels very repetitive. Everyone is out to get Onizuka and through sheer willpower, and a little bit of help he pulls it out.
I can definitely see why this was such a big hit. Onizuka as a character is very relatable. He is not "elite" in anyway possible, but he has a big heart and a sense of pride that is very relatable. I wish the series fully fleshed out it's secondary characters so they feel as believable as Onizuka, instead of being just antagonistic caricatures.
dropped - (1) Attack on Titan - Attack on Titan - This show is fine and serviceable. Like it is exciting and not completely unwatchable by any sense of the imagination, however, it is just dumb. Like the show has no focus and is just all over the place. Also, it is super clear to me that the mangaka doesn't at all think about how to resolve or conclude these plot points and the only thing he is able to do effectively is character deaths and plot twists. The worldbuilding is also good, and the general plot and setup is extremely creative. Unfortunately you just need more than that to make a good show. Like the underlying pathos and message of attack on titan is lost on me and it just really is a trifle. I can see why people enjoy it but it really isn't for me at all.
10)Transcendent media. Art that manages to be more than the sum of its parts
Ex: Bebop, Eva
A crowning achievement in animation, that holds significant artistic merit in terms of storytelling, characterization, and thematic purpose. I don't hold the notion that 9/10 should rarely be given as a rule-of-thumb, if a show deserves it I have no qualms awarding this score.
Ex: GiTS, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Higurashi(When They Cry), Perfect Blue, Flowers of Evil
An anime that is carefully crafted and reaches significant emotional heights. With noteworthy characterization, atmosphere, genre subversion, comedy, etc. However, it falls short of what it was intending to accomplish or has noticeable flaws.
Ex: Ocean Waves a.k.a: I Can Hear The Sea, Death Note, 5 cm/sec, Darker Than Black Season 1, Welcome to the NHK,, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
A show that manages to retain your interest and leaves an impression, but critically has a host of flaws that detract from your enjoyment significantly
Ex: Another, InuYasha, Angel Beats, Clannad, Kimagure Orange Road, Now and Then Here and There
6) Meh. Middle of the road, boring/uninteresting or down-right frustrating
Ex: Voices of a distant star, Erased
5) Did not pass the three episode test
4 )Did not even bother watching the second episode
Ex: Toradora
3)Turned that craap off in the first thirty minutes
2)Turned that craaaap off in the first twenty minutes
1)So bad it manages to be the running joke of all other animes.
Sorry but it's like Manaban (the user that commented before me) said "they might come after me." I don't want a bunch of cry babies ganging up on me, this place is already way too toxic and troublesome, I was just gang up by a bunch of cry babies just because I dare to give one example of why MIA is bad. Anyway I will say this. You wanna know who they are, easy just keep an eye open for next season anime pick 2/3 of them and wait until the very first episode goes on air, and come back here 5/10 minutes after the episode finishes to see who has already posted a review ... That will give you an idea or two on who are they.
Sorry, I have no desire to waste my time in passionate arguments for the sake of passionate arguments. Especially with people who try to communicate with me in such an arrogant style.
Yeah, I agree all 4 seasons feel like a completely different story but that's a thing I did enjoy about it. How fluidly it changed was great to see. I agree some people complain about the consistency but don't you think it's better than just simply showing and closing it off in a short arc like they do in shonen. You hate battle shonen right? They basically do the same. For eg: In Naruto, the Pain mystery, the rinnegan, everything about it and related to it concluded in that single arc. If that's the type you like I guess you certainly wouldn't enjoy AOT. Many shows have been doing that now but in a somewhat shorter way. Like Odd Taxi throws out so many mini life stories but all of them tie up in the final episode as if it was apparent from the start but we weren't aware.
Yeah, watching it after months or weeks isn't as enjoyable as binging it all in one sitting so it doesn't feel left out. That's the thing! Seemingly small plot points or actions can also result in something big. You never know that! That's what I liked a lot about SnK
Nah I never said you were attacking it or Isayama was the best writer ever. I know it's your opinion and Isyama's just another writer. he has his strengths and weaknesses.
You really said SNK doesn't resolve or conclude plot points? Bruh I presume you've only seen the first season. I'm not even sure if you've completed it. All of this is Isayama's narration style. He beautifully ties all the plot points as the story progresses. Half the things don't make sense at first but as the story reveals the truth, different pieces start to fit in and form the complete picture.
Yes I think it's safe to say I have a preference for character driven narratives. After all, the majority of my favorites are SOL/comedy. It wasn't always this way. When I first really got into anime I was mainly interested in epic fantasy adventures like in the JRPGs I played. I had certain expectations, such as climactic and definitive endings. That is why Mysterious Girlfriend left me feeling underwhelmed. It just...stopped...without providing any answers to the "mystery". Now that I have more experience I've learned to cherish every moment I get to spend with a lovable set of characters.
Oh and imo, The World God Only Knows doesn't really qualify as a harem at all. It's more of a borderline case like Steins Gate or Clannad. Little to no lewd or ecchi content. It's not until the 3rd and final season when a bunch of girls finally do start competing for the main character's affections that it starts feeling like a harem anime.
Also check Platinium End anime from Death Note writer maybe you can see how bad writer he was. While Vivy Floruite Eye Song from Re:Zero author is one of top anime in this website also had a lot success.
How about watching Season 2 Part 2? If you are going to cry about Subaru didn't grow up in 1 weeks, then yes. Lmao both seasons happen in very short amount of time, Subaru changes each arc including future arcs not even in the anime yet. I said Subaru is completely changed in Season 2 Part 2 but he truly shows himself in Season 3.
But i can't take any Re:Zero criticism seriously if their criticism is revolves around "Subaru" which is best thing in Re:Zero.
I still don't see any flaws in entire 50+ Episodes or upcoming seasons. When literally i can say atleast 20-30 flaws each episode of Death Note which you called "brilliant"
Your take on Re:Zero is not objective, your hate blind your eyes. If Re:Zero wasn't popular series you would have worshipped it.
I'm not going to watch some old outdated video made for Season 1 when whole Season 1 explained with answers and plot twists in Season 2 which already debunks every criticism about Season 1.
Even i can't understand Re:Zero completely, no one can because it is unfinished mystery. I doubt you even understand 10% of the series when you say something like "Subaru didn't grown up".
Also long does not equal good
Yes but long with flawless writing is what makes it best japanese fiction because writing long story with perfection 1000x more harder than writing short story. As i said before nothing in Evangelion is better than Re:Zero. How it can be? Re:Zero explains each character through 50 Books and 10+ Seasons while Evangelion is just flat series with 25 Episodes wasting most of episodes on Mecha Action or Filler Episodes then add some random bible references because lack of budget then call it masterpiece which i don't buy it.
All Comments (83) Comments
I'm 26 and a newcomer to MAL.
As for Eva, I liked it a lot. I just found the first few episodes to be a bit underwhelming. It does improve a lot later on, and EoE is amazing.
Yeah, watching it after months or weeks isn't as enjoyable as binging it all in one sitting so it doesn't feel left out. That's the thing! Seemingly small plot points or actions can also result in something big. You never know that! That's what I liked a lot about SnK
Nah I never said you were attacking it or Isayama was the best writer ever. I know it's your opinion and Isyama's just another writer. he has his strengths and weaknesses.
Although all I did was copy-paste, I'm glad you liked it.
Likewise, it's always nice to meet other Higurashi fans.
Oh and imo, The World God Only Knows doesn't really qualify as a harem at all. It's more of a borderline case like Steins Gate or Clannad. Little to no lewd or ecchi content. It's not until the 3rd and final season when a bunch of girls finally do start competing for the main character's affections that it starts feeling like a harem anime.
But i can't take any Re:Zero criticism seriously if their criticism is revolves around "Subaru" which is best thing in Re:Zero.
I still don't see any flaws in entire 50+ Episodes or upcoming seasons. When literally i can say atleast 20-30 flaws each episode of Death Note which you called "brilliant"
Your take on Re:Zero is not objective, your hate blind your eyes. If Re:Zero wasn't popular series you would have worshipped it.
Even i can't understand Re:Zero completely, no one can because it is unfinished mystery. I doubt you even understand 10% of the series when you say something like "Subaru didn't grown up".
Yes but long with flawless writing is what makes it best japanese fiction because writing long story with perfection 1000x more harder than writing short story. As i said before nothing in Evangelion is better than Re:Zero. How it can be? Re:Zero explains each character through 50 Books and 10+ Seasons while Evangelion is just flat series with 25 Episodes wasting most of episodes on Mecha Action or Filler Episodes then add some random bible references because lack of budget then call it masterpiece which i don't buy it.