All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 165.5
Mean Score:
- Watching24
- Completed821
- On-Hold8
- Dropped113
- Plan to Watch686
- Total Entries1,652
- Rewatched59
- Episodes9,338
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 47.2
Mean Score:
- Reading25
- Completed107
- On-Hold13
- Dropped11
- Plan to Read757
- Total Entries913
- Reread4
- Chapters7,072
- Volumes837
All Comments (145) Comments
We both seem really conscientious in remembering each other's birthdays lol. Thank you for remembering :)
P.S. I like your key visuals (in your fave anime shows and movies spoiler tag). I've had something similar on my profile for a couple of years now. It's definitely a nice way to convey what you like!