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Giant Ojousama
Giant Ojousama
Mar 10, 2:40 AM
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Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudou
Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudou
Feb 20, 11:59 PM
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Maou 2099
Maou 2099
Dec 1, 2024 3:15 AM
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Konjiki no Gash!!
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Giant Ojousama
Giant Ojousama
Mar 10, 2:40 AM
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SteelLucy Jul 23, 2020 12:16 PM
Why is that people who are self aware of their taste, how it might me not liked are the most surprising people like X D Its not a mean comment but i just noticed a pattern here.
I respect you for having Girls und panzer on your fav list. Have a nice day !
Tiddlesworth Feb 9, 2017 1:08 PM
ill fak u up m7
MayucchiYukie Mar 25, 2016 4:14 PM
I'm doing OK, I've finished Uni and I'm working full time now. Not as much time for social media but still enough time to watch anime!
AholePony Mar 25, 2016 10:10 AM
I'll be the first to post here in 3 years.....
Rabbiac Feb 21, 2013 3:53 PM

Rabbiac Feb 4, 2013 9:26 AM

Here comes a one-time newsletter from Monster Girls <3
StyleF1re Nov 29, 2012 10:18 PM
Yeah, SZS and Jinrui wa have that thoughtful and intelligent kind of comedy I like. I found the two to be very similar in ways, although I rated Jinrui wa higher because of the eye-popping color, the personality of the MC, and the overall craziness of the fairies and their world. Speaking of Jinrui wa, I have that one in my top 5 for 2012 anime.

It's not to say that SZS doesn't have the same kinds of qualities as Jinrui wa, but as you suggested, I kind of got tired of the characters and their gags, aside from that dumbass teacher lmao. Also, props for sharing the same favorites as me with the positive girl and the teacher. I also really like the "normal" girl. I mean, who would've thought that someone so normal could stand out?

But yeah. I'll never forget about the episode with non-report cards and the one that mentioned about Formula One racing.
StyleF1re Nov 25, 2012 10:34 PM
I don't like how your avatar/profile pic always reminds me that I still need to finish up that series!

SZS is gold when it comes to thoughtful comedy, but I have to wonder who actually takes the time to pause and read everything in the background. I know I wouldn't.
graphidz Nov 20, 2012 2:35 PM
can't help it LOL
anyway, I thought you were my schoolmate since he used the name "east" too
MayucchiYukie Nov 20, 2012 5:33 AM
Facebook is different. You'll be able to see my public posts and reply to them, but you won't be able to see posts I share with only Friends. Which is fine, really. After all, do you really want to know where I just had my coffee this morning? :P

I think Head-Fi is fine. It has quite strict mods, and certainly not everyone there are as intelligent as we'd hope. However, the Anime thread's quality and atmosphere in general is quite a bit better than the Internet average. I've been to a lot of places, so I definitely know. There is certainly narcissism going with with a few members, but no community is perfect, right?

As for the head-fi part of head-fi...well, I'm not too impressed. Most people there probably have never heard the things they talk about.

If you miss a pure anime/manga forum without oppressiveness, /a/ is your best bet where there is pretty much zero oppression unless you post about Naruto (which will get you banned). A step up is /r/anime on Reddit, which is pretty good. I frequent it a lot, but they're mostly moe-tards. I'm a moefag myself so I fit in nicely, but not sure if you'd like it. AnimeSuki is incredibly oppressive, but the level of intelligence is extremely high and the discussions are top notch. Your choice really.
MayucchiYukie Nov 20, 2012 5:29 AM
Whelp, now that was a huge misunderstanding. I've never seen your tweets until today, since that's how protected tweets worked. Sorry if you thought I was ignoring you all this time LOL

Anyway, I just replied to them all. Twitter is my primary method of communicating with people, both IRL and online. I have notifications that are linked directly to my phone. Anytime you want to talk, Twitter is the way to go.

Oh yeah, do you have SC2? << Not trying to brag or anything.
MayucchiYukie Nov 20, 2012 5:11 AM
And I do use FB quite a bit, since almost all my friends in real life are on it and it's very convenient as a method of communication and sharing.
MayucchiYukie Nov 20, 2012 5:01 AM
Sure, you can have my Facebook:

However, remember that it's only open for subscriptions. I don't add people I only know online as Facebook friends, because my photos being geo-tagged, and all sorts of stuff that would put me in compromising positions if they are known publicly online such as my phone numbers and stuff. Certainly there are many online friends subscribed to me, but I haven't added any online friends as a Facebook friend yet. I hope you understand? xD

If you want a good place to talk, Facebook is still good since I accept messages there from both Subscribers and Friends. However, with Facebook being the procrastination machine like it is, when studies get busy I often deactivate it. The best way for us to talk regardless what happens is definitely Twitter ( I never disconnect from it.
MayucchiYukie Nov 20, 2012 4:44 AM
I see, so you can be banned from one specific thread...that's very strange though, because Mods shouldn't ban people based on reports from other users unless you actually broke universal forum rules. I don't see how anyone can be banned from one thread for any kind of feasible reason.

And as for the person you have in mind, do you really think he can influence the staff as to ban a specific member from a specific thread for his own reason? It's kind of hard to believe. =x

Let me know what Currawong has to say. He's a very chill guy.
MayucchiYukie Nov 20, 2012 4:39 AM
Weren't you just posting there? ._. And you can be banned from a thread?

Also, your blog is still in the OP.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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