Halo halo, Indonesian Anime Lovers Club Newsletter is here!
Sudah lama IALC tidak mengirimkan Newsletter karena beberapa Hal, namun kali ini we're back! dan membawa beberapa informasi yang sedang ada di IALC
Pertama adalah Voting IALC Anime of The Year atau AoTY 2015! Setelah melewati masa nominasi minggu lalu sekarang sedang berlangsung tahap akhir yaitu tahap voting. Selain AoTY 2015 itu sendiri, untuk tahun ini kita adakan juga Opening dan Ending song AoTY 2015 atas masukan beberapa member IALC.
Kok udah masuk voting lagi? Kami belum ikut nominasi loh? Untuk hal ini mohon maaf sebesar besarnya karena banyak dari staff IALC yang sibuk dan tidak sempat menyebarkan Newsletter seperti sekarang.
Berikut Link untuk Thread Voting:
No prob :) I came across your profile through LastFm.
Our compatibility is Very Low, but I noticed some good shows in your list that we rated similary high.
Maybe we can give each other some recommendations (Ive got an open mindset)
I also like the song ^^
Yeah, that's a shame, since manga is brutal and awesome. And I like that kind of stuff ^^''
It's a fresh idea so I don't have to always watch fluffy stuff. :P
yes, I've seen it, and I like almost everything, it is even a mahou shoujo :D so I don't know maybe I'm going to watch everything maybe not, it depends :D
All Comments (27) Comments
Our compatibility is Very Low, but I noticed some good shows in your list that we rated similary high.
Maybe we can give each other some recommendations (Ive got an open mindset)
Yeah, that's a shame, since manga is brutal and awesome. And I like that kind of stuff ^^''
It's a fresh idea so I don't have to always watch fluffy stuff. :P
yeah, I got obsessed with manga and anime recently ^^'
What's your name? Where are you from? :D
sorry for the late reply
here i put on my profile those who I'm particularly fond of recently, if you want to know
nice to meet you