Hello Hello!
This is eternalstar!
I just want to tell everyone that I won't be coming to this forum anymore. (At least, not as much)
It was such a fun experience being here and meeting different people...
but times are really hard right now...
What I'm saying is, I don't really have time for anime and manga as much anymore,
therefore I won't be able to use this site just as much...
School has been really busy... with projects, homework, exams...
It's really hard to keep up...
But I just want to say that I really enjoyed my time staying here at MAL...
Thank you all! ♥♥♥
Everyone, please work hard! Have a nice life :D

FukuJun is

for Icontest WeekTHREE: Sunshine
All Comments (79) Comments
MyAnimeList.net CARD: https://malsignature.com/?/view?username=W15&style=normal
PNG Pic;
Thanks for the name of the font, I love it =)
Ok, thank you ! I'm looking forward to it :3
Bye ~~
Well your profile is not that empty, and it's already .. gorgeous (sorry if I'm a bit too enthusiastic..). Oh can I ask you which font you used for 'Welcome to.." ?
Mmh, if you don't mind, tell me when you'll update your profile (it doesn't mind if it takes time~).
your profile already looks really nice, and you even won a icontest wow great^^
And omg, I'm in love with your profile o__O It's soo nice, really !
Bye :3
i'll listen it! ^^/
well, but since i'm planning to finish code geass, maybe i'll listen this Regeneration song. xD