Manau nelengva bus pradžioje. ^^ Bet paskui įprasi.
Geez, kai pagalvoji - gal jie nemėgsta užsieniečių? Visvien kita rasė. Teks kažkaip prisitaikyt. : ) Nors manau kad japonai gan tolerantiški.
Yeah? That's you? In Lithuania?! Haha, that's so cool! Did you make your own costume?
I knew you were from... Lithuania! (I have trouble spelling it><) I had a penpal from there and I looked at it on a map to see which city she came from, but it wasn't there. Because I looked at the map though, I remember the capital =D
Peach Girl! I love it! It's my favourite =D
Noein... is it good?
All Comments (35) Comments
Geez, kai pagalvoji - gal jie nemėgsta užsieniečių? Visvien kita rasė. Teks kažkaip prisitaikyt. : ) Nors manau kad japonai gan tolerantiški.
Ten tave apgyvendins ar pats turėsi susirasti kur miegot?
btw: mane drąsiai gali vadinti pamišėle.xDDD
Pasiimk ir mane. T_T Aš irgi labai noriu į Japoniją.
Tu ten dirbsi?
Kaip laikaisi? ^^
I knew you were from... Lithuania! (I have trouble spelling it><) I had a penpal from there and I looked at it on a map to see which city she came from, but it wasn't there. Because I looked at the map though, I remember the capital =D
Peach Girl! I love it! It's my favourite =D
Noein... is it good?
Is that you in your profile picture?
Are you really going to watch Peach Girl?