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Sousou no Frieren
Sousou no Frieren
Feb 18, 2024 4:34 PM
Watching 16/28 · Scored 5
Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su
Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su
Feb 18, 2024 4:30 PM
Watching 19/25 · Scored 9
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen
Nov 28, 2022 11:40 PM
Dropped 8/13 · Scored 1
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yuep Mar 7, 2024 7:26 AM
okay okay i bet you never paid the slightest attention in the anime to even write a proper review on it, so let's dissect your review:

Frieren, OVERRATED. I don't know why people think this work is better than FMA B, Steins;Gate or a ton of more anime that can easily take the top 10 spots.

first, idk what you're talking about but FMAB is an anime 10 years ago, and i bet in 10 years a lot has changed in both regards to animation quality as well as overall polish on the final EP. also how about you do some research, watch the anime, and actually see for yourself why its better instead of yapping and crying in the reviews?

It's NOT bad, but is not good either and very far from something to be considered as Legendary.

Things that I hate about Frieren:

alright so you say it's not bad and is not good, thats ok, not legendary, ok thats fine, let's see what you have to say

1- Either the author intended audience are small kids or adults with very poor intelectual habilities, since you are every 5 minutes reminded about how old is Frieren and how much her longevity determines her perspective about life and how insignigicant to her are all other life forms. This is annoying.

now i wont go as far as to say you're intellectually challenged, but like thats literally the main thing the anime is about, it shows her perception of time and how that affects her personality, no? also i checked and it never came close to reminding you every 5 mins about how old she is, its more like 1 per 2 episodes.

2- This Slice of Life anime (yes, that one is the ONLY genre you can categorize Frieren into) is so slow, so boring, so repetitive that I've had a very hard time reaching episode 13.

i'm guessing you never watched an actual slice of life anime, but whatever. i know it can be boring but why would you bother watching 13 episodes? would you like to please sisyphus? nobody forced you to watch what you don't like?? also dont act like you do the same thing everyday in your life anyway bruh, its literally meant to compare her journey now to her journey with the Hero's Party.

3- Frieren as a main character is dull, flat, apathetic about everything, unfriendly and hateful. At least Shinji had the ability to convey drama, while Fireren only conveys: "I'm an Albert Camus character and I'm ment to be hated".

you yap so much you wrote Frieren "Fireren", goes to show how much you mashed at your keyboard and still managed to juice out a barely legible review. You're also so inattentive that you never read the synopsis nor watched anything with any amount of attention, since it gets mentioned again and again that Frieren is trying to change her personality and find out more about humans, therefore making her cherish her time with people more than before. Its funny in the sense that you said her longevity and ignorance was repeated to the point of annoyance but never ever mentioned this, no?

Music and Animation are similar to the plot. Not bad and not great.

Fair enough, nothing interesting here except im overly happy for you because you finally managed to write something that a civil individual would write in 2024. A round of applause for you.

Overall, I honestly can't recomend this anime unless you love smow paced slice of life works of feel empathic towards rocks.

Just as i got my expectations up a little bit, you started mashing at the keyboard again, writing "recommend" as "recomend" and slow as "smow". seems like your schizo episode is starting, better take some meds now. I guess I now feel empathy for rocks just because I actually have a personality and actually care about the people that matters to me (basically what the series is about).

In any case, I think the tl;dr here is that you either feel empathetic towards rocks because you still watched 13 episodes anyway, or you're just jealous of the series' well-deserved success and wants to downplay it anyway.
ItsNeonTime Feb 24, 2024 11:57 AM
Reviewing or crying? I can't really tell
Veilcrypt Feb 24, 2024 1:59 AM
FMAB fanboy mad with delusional reviews.
Lifepunch Feb 22, 2024 6:32 AM
Bro has watched like 1 anime and is already posting reviews cryin rn
Aydncnpattes Apr 26, 2023 10:04 AM
Mentally ill FMAB Fanboy
FedoraSama Nov 30, 2022 11:30 PM
"Full of fillers " Well you're not mentally sane are you .
also I like this part Characters: 6/10
Animation: 8/10
Dialogue: 3/10
Art and Style: 7/10
Story: 4/10
but somehow the average of these numbers isn't 1 ? or am i just bad at math , I mean I am but I'm not stupid .
MNGAREADER Nov 30, 2022 10:11 AM
your bleach review just shows how ignorant you are about the shonen genre like its really pathetic you complain about characters not appearing when the arc is not over yet, and the point that ichigo is completely irrelevant when he is the reason soul society needs him just adds salt to injury to how naive you can be
Cper Sep 27, 2018 10:33 PM

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Azunyan___ Dec 22, 2017 9:11 PM

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Byeeeee Oct 31, 2017 8:58 PM
People who :T
Nepttune Oct 23, 2017 1:30 PM
Hola Erparom, aquí te traigo la NL en la que te invitamos a pasar por la Fede y participar de nuestras actividades, saludos!

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Aragons Sep 20, 2017 8:56 AM

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OnionSoda Jul 24, 2017 3:15 PM

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Ardent Jun 20, 2017 2:42 PM

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Aragons May 20, 2017 4:08 PM

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