A big RPG fan who enjoys just about all range of anime (except Harem! D:);
current and old. Also, a big fan of old-school mecha anime so the SRW series is my wet dream come true.
Top 10 Video Games:
1. Shining Force III (Sega Saturn)
2. Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (SNES)
3. Policenauts (PSX)
4. Chrono Cross (PSX)
5. Tactics Ogre (SNES/PSX/PSP)
6. Shenmue (Dreamcast)
7. Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast/GC)
8. Earthbound (SNES)
9. Hotel Dusk: Room 215/Last Window (DS)
10. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Honorable mentions: Grandia, Mother, Dark Chronicle, FFIX, Metal Gear series, Shin Megami Tensei series, Silent Hill 2, Xenogears, Suikoden, Majora's Mask, Uncharted 4, Shining the Holy Ark, Baten Kaitos, FE7, ICO, FFT, SRW series, Shadow Hearts: Covenant, Pokemon, Animal Crossing series
Dunno how on the market you are for visual novels these days, but I've been playing a new one lately that's been really impressing me. It's called "Of the Devil", and it's first episode came out last month (theres also a prologue that's free to play). Its very obviously inspired by phoenix wright, but mostly just in the gameplay. The story while having some comedic moments definitely airs on the darker side of things, kinda gave me similar vibes to paranormasight, though instead of ghosts and supernatural stuff its cyberpunk.
Anyway had a lot of fun with it, thought I'd share.
Heh, it'd be funny if they went for megas, and then Typhlosion, Samurott, and Serperior don't get one. I feel like regional forms would make the most sense but who knows.
So I guess combat has a sort of positional aspect to it now? No idea how it'll play but I'm intrigued. Also, big old guy with the Floette is still kicking lol.
Been a while since I played it, game had a tonne of little frustrations, but in the end I kept playing through to the end so something worked. Maybe something about the way you could take one digimon and scale it up and down through the various evolution lines to become pretty much whatever you wanted? Nokia being low-key hilarious also helped.
Yes it is dear days 2, basically the only way to play cardfight digitally since they never localized the 3DS games.
Did you hear they've announced a new digimon game, seemingly in a style similar to that of the cybersleuth games? I'm kinda looking forward to it, even though I've been burned by digimon before.
The game is "supposed" to launch in 2025 after all, presumably late in the year, so the dates feel like they could line up. But yeah I wouldn't be surprised if it's nowhere near the switch 2 launch and the game gets pushed along to 2026 or something.
Oh wow, I didn't look that deeply into it so I didn't realize that was the mix up they were going for this time. I was wondering how they were planning on 1uping Mario Kart 8, when with dlc that game basically has like 80% of the courses ever released already.
I wonder what the launch titles will be aside from mario kart? I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it'll be some of the stuff they've announced already, like Metroid Prime 4, or that legends z pokemon.
It's only really worth doing the ones where richter's around. Nobody else really reacts to them, and I'm pretty sure you don't get anything special for finding them all.
I also ended up getting an indie game called the case of the golden idol that I've been playing here and there. It's an odd little detective game, kinda ugly looking, but it makes you feel pretty smart for figuring everything out.
Oh wow how unexpected, I'll have to check that manga out when I can.
Yes it is a rather short game isn't it. I wish they had done a little bit more with the 4th wall puzzles, like when you make that dork's sound power absolutely worthless lol.
Did you collect all the birds? It was hilarious watching richter fanboy over them.
I see your plowing your way through. Yes everything's connected, if you read through the completed notes on the curses you can also work out how the original people who made the curses are connected to each other as well. Also mio is the best.
As for star ocean, yeah its pretty much the same outside some Qol stuff. Recruited ashton over opera.
Haha yeah, the curse that requires them to be holding something like a lighter definitely feels like the short end of the stick. It's a solid little mystery game all things said.
I finally got the star ocean 2 remaster so I've been playing a bit of that.
I finished it a little while ago. Not a super long game, there is some post game stuff like a battle tower but I've never been much into that in regular pokemon. I will definitely replay the game once it comes off early access though. I've been playing Trails from Zero instead.
Ahh yes G-quacks. The gundam looks weird, the pokemon art style is out there, so yeah I'm super looking forward to it as well. If the "leaks" are to believed it's supposed to take place in an alternate universe UC timeline.
It's pretty good, game clearly has a pretty dedicated creator behind it at least. It is in early access still, which in this case means that the game itself is 99% finished, but its missing a fair amount of polish. Like for example a lot of the earlier beasties you get will have a full set of little animations based on if they're being hit, attacking, volleying etc. while the later monsters are basically jpegs that bob up and down.
That's right, I forgot Dragon Quest III was getting a remake. I really oughta fully play a DQ at some point lol.
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Anyway had a lot of fun with it, thought I'd share.
So I guess combat has a sort of positional aspect to it now? No idea how it'll play but I'm intrigued. Also, big old guy with the Floette is still kicking lol.
Did you hear they've announced a new digimon game, seemingly in a style similar to that of the cybersleuth games? I'm kinda looking forward to it, even though I've been burned by digimon before.
Sonic eh? Can't say I've ever had too much of an interest. Aren't some of Sonic's most infamous screw ups from that era lol?
I wonder what the launch titles will be aside from mario kart? I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it'll be some of the stuff they've announced already, like Metroid Prime 4, or that legends z pokemon.
I also ended up getting an indie game called the case of the golden idol that I've been playing here and there. It's an odd little detective game, kinda ugly looking, but it makes you feel pretty smart for figuring everything out.
Yes it is a rather short game isn't it. I wish they had done a little bit more with the 4th wall puzzles, like when you make that dork's sound power absolutely worthless lol.
Did you collect all the birds? It was hilarious watching richter fanboy over them.
As for star ocean, yeah its pretty much the same outside some Qol stuff. Recruited ashton over opera.
I finally got the star ocean 2 remaster so I've been playing a bit of that.
Ahh yes G-quacks. The gundam looks weird, the pokemon art style is out there, so yeah I'm super looking forward to it as well. If the "leaks" are to believed it's supposed to take place in an alternate universe UC timeline.
That's right, I forgot Dragon Quest III was getting a remake. I really oughta fully play a DQ at some point lol.