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Days: 33.6
Mean Score:
- Reading1
- Completed183
- On-Hold18
- Dropped21
- Plan to Read119
- Total Entries342
- Reread3
- Chapters6,759
- Volumes680
All Comments (112) Comments
See you next year XD
so... just dropping by ~ to give you an advance greetings!
>I think I was too young to fairly appreciate all aspects of it.
Tbh, this is the reason why I leave some manga I read unrated. I'd like to fully appreciate and understand it before I rate it.
Same lol. Also, I have this habit of buying a book that suddenly interests me. That interest doesn't last long.
I'll try it. I'd like to see more of that 'experimental' style of his. I hope my stomach can take it XD
Oh I see. I agree with you. I've seen some panels from both and Ito is weirder. I think I can take it better tho.
Tell me more about it when you read it. I'm thinking of trying it for some time now.
Really? I didn't know Ashizuri has that sort of divided reception, I just thought it was really underrated which is why no one ever reads it. I do want to read Termina, but I don't really like reading incompletely scanlated manga.
I'm fine too, though I'm currently caught up with school activities, which is why I've been replying very late recently.
>I ended up buying way more than I can manage to read in short notice
Now that I think about it, this my situation now. I bought a lot of books from a second-hand store and just realized that THERE'S A LOT OF THEM. Some are long too :'( Maybe try to read the ones you bought first. Have a rule for yourself: first come, first serve XD. I don't know what your shelf looks like but maybe with a bit of cleaning and organizing, it'll get less cramped.
I usually read novels, tbh, all of the books I've read till now are all novels and light novels. I'm thinking of trying non-fiction books now and classics too. Also, books that are compelling and makes you contemplate and reflect at the end, something like that.
Tbh, my fav from Kago is how he plays with panels which I've never seen done before. Here are a few examples
Man, Japan is weird XD My country's so conservative that even blood is censored (they make it blue). I haven't read works of them but I think Kago is weirder. I can read his works but my limit is 1 manga per week I guess. I can't stand reading those works one after another, not to say it's bad tho. Just not for my stomach.
I got them from Pixiv. There are lots of great artists there. My profile pic is by 稗田やゑ (his/her art style is kind of similar to Dowman's which I really like) and the penguin is by α___y___u (can't find the link).
Ikr. It's my first work by Ono Natsume that prompted me read her other works too. Not Simple is really simple, it just shows that life is Not Simple... okay.. I'm out XD
>The sight of them was depressing me
I think if it was me, I'll be glad lol. I like seeing and reading books and ofc, owning them brings a lot of joy. Too bad my collection is not as big as yours, enough to occupy a closet XD
I discovered him by looking for some obscure manga in MangaDex. The next thing I knew, at least 3 or 5 works of his is on my PTR lol. Toukou Tochuu no Deaigashira no Guuzen Kiss wa Ariuru? Jikken is the first manga I've read by Kago, Shintarou. This is actually fun to read. Sometimes horror, sometimes satirical. It's a good ting for someone like him who seemingly likes to experiment. I wonder who really reads his ero-guro stuff tho. Must be hard selling those.
That's what I'm gonna try :P
I see. I like both OP and ED and any song by Konju. I think I have to see it for myself to know the differences.
The books I've bought are stacking up so I thought it's about time I read them. I'll reduce the number of my ptr first though.
Btw, have you read any works by Kago, Shintarou?
I thought that seeing it animated and having music will create an amazing experience. It's not the case in Hakumei to Mikochi?
Well, I like getting recommendations like these every now and then so I don't mind. I'll add Machida-kun no Sekai for now. I plan to take a break from manga to read some books so it'll take months before I read it XD
I stumbled upon it while browsing some award-winning manga. It looks promising to me.
Some good favs you have there. I like it.