All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 234.2
Mean Score:
- Watching13
- Completed1,122
- On-Hold16
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch99
- Total Entries1,250
- Rewatched17
- Episodes15,010
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 25.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries117
- Reread6
- Chapters3,424
- Volumes299
All Comments (38) Comments
Let me know if there's an issue with your card.
Be safe and well travels,
Apologies for the delay!! Let me know if there's an issue with your card(s).
Staff Birthdays: September Edition cards
Staff Birthdays: November Edition cards
MAL Tag Spooktacular 2023 cards
Thank you again and I wish lots of amazing anime to you this year.