Top 3:
#3 - Monogatari - This series is good. It has a sort of intangible quality that draws a person in. And the animation quality is par none - a league of its own. I guess it's just one of those anime that does everything right - down to the fanservice.
#2 - Stein's Gate - I just finished this show a few day's ago, so it may have some fresh on the mind bias, but I doubt it. I love time travel. And this is the best time travel I have ever seen. It is smart, has closure, and develops into the most epic rom-com (that's right, epic and rom-com) ever.
#1 - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - If you have a friend that's considering watching anime. Have them watch this show. Then watch with maniacal glee as your once sane friend turns into an Otaku just like you. Brotherhood is the end-all of anime - the show to watch. It is a mature shounen with deep themes, epic battles, perfect build-up and pacing, and a strong ending. If for some reason you're reading this (already unlikely) and have not seen this show, please go watch it. I don't care where. But you will like it - it is transcendentally good.
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