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Reiko no Fuugi: Akuyaku Reijou to Yobareteimasu ga, Tada no Binbou Musume desu
Dec 20, 2024 1:50 PM
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Class Saiyasune de Urareta Ore wa, Jitsu wa Saikyou Parameter
Jun 12, 2024 12:27 PM
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All Comments (8) Comments
also some Hirayasumi and Asper Kanojo.
Really, I find your use of the word very interesting. I've never really seen someone use that word in this context until now. Usually the term that is used is "overrated". I actually looked it up to make sure, and yeah, your use of the word seems to be perfectly correct in a grammatical sense. Very interesting.
Aside from that, I am a rather big fan of Shinkai's work. While I personally put him on about the same level as Miyazaki in how much I like their respective work, I don't really find them to be very comparable. However, I personally feel that calling Miyazaki "a true god" to be rather "overestimated" myself. Yes, Miyazaki does some great work and he has made some of my personal favorite anime movies, but I do feel that the rather overwhelming praise that he receives amounts to him being just a tad overrated in my book. While his work is full of wonder, it also tends to be rather simple and a bit one-dimensional. I honestly prefer the work of Satoshi Kon over both Shinkai and Miyazaki.
Anyway, again, different people, different tastes. I mostly found your use of the word "overestimated" to be interesting. That might be weird or even a bit ignorant of me to say, but whatever. I learned something new today so thank you.
Just go try Charlotte..
Angel Beats 2.0.