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Days: 43.3
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- Watching57
- Completed257
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- Plan to Watch107
- Total Entries439
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- Episodes2,163
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Days: 15.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries114
- Reread0
- Chapters1,695
- Volumes300
All Comments (25) Comments
Snake’s cool! I discovered the film mainly because of it’s influence on the Metal Gear Solid game series, and when watching Escape from New York, I was like “this is basically MGS the movie innit?” Probably one of the greatest action films ever made. Really want to see LA just because it sounds ridiculous. This just makes Cruel Angel’s Thesis even cooler!
Yes, Nagai is a master to mix fun and tragedy together, though you can always feel this underlying sadness, which I dig in anime series. And as I dig all kind of demons and monsters too, his imagination is the first class one! XD
You start school at the age of 7, though there's something that's called 6-year group which is voluntary and it's not the real school, just some preparatory classes, you don't even learn to read there. Before it was a line between elementary and middle school, but now the first 9 years are all called just elementary school and they're compulsory. After that you can go further to the different kind of high school, depending what you plan to do in the future. There're high schools that give you a profession like a building worker or truck driver; the others are preparatory for the higher education, such as university or institute. It doesn't matter which one you'll choose, it'll take 3 years to study until the graduation. Huh, even in Japan high school is only 3 years.
Hmm, never heard about a dual credit... It doesn't exist here. I slacked off all my high school time but cause I was smart and had good grades I was still able to enter the uni.
Hahaha! I thought to ask him anyway about the link, cause there're some nights when I can't sleep so at least I could have used this time to study Japanese.
Started recently Cutie Honey and really like it. As it's Nagai's creation nothing is the same as it seems to be, which is typical for Nagai. I also dig those demons he was able to come up with. XD
Yes, it's bothersome if you can't decide what you'll want to do in the future. My own family consists only of engineers, and I'm the only humanitarian among them, lol. So I tried to connect both my interest in languages and knowledge in math into my education: highschool teacher of math and English as a second language.
I hope it goes well for you with your studies. XD
If you want I can ask him for the link. I've been there only 3 times as it's deep in the night/early morning for me, but I must say that i learned really much during those times.
One of our translators started to learn Japanese for fun like 3-4 years ago, and this year he's planning to take N1 language test already, which is an equivalent of knowing the same level of language as the Japanese themselves. He was very active in some group on FB, where once per week they took some Japanese song from anime or game and translated it. Due to the time difference I've been able to be up so late only 3 times, but I must say it was a lot of fun. They have an awesome teacher too.
I wish that I'll be less lazy and try to continue studying Japanese. Usually, the more languages you know, the easier it is to learn more languages. This guy I mentioned he knew Dutch and German and he said it helped him a lot. Now, he reads books on Japanese and speaks with a lot of Japanese friends on Skype.
What kind of school? I get pretty much perplexed by American educational system which seems to differ very much from European. I've been even studying the American education in uni, but forgotten almost everything about it. ^^
How did you study Japanese? I'm curious that maybe your method is easier and better the one I know/use.
Heh, so you have been studying Japanese? I tried a while ago but never reached too far due to my inborn laziness I suppose. Our translators are quite pissed on me because of that, and they're nagging all the time at me to continue with studying Japanese.
I've been testing to watch some anime raw and it worked quite well with those easier ones, not more complicated as sci-fi. Damn, I want to get inspired too! :P
I also have some raws that I dream to release with subs one day.