My Member Cards
1. Bleach Vizards

2. Naruto Fanclub

3. Kallen Fanclub

4. Hitsugaya X Mastumoto Fanclub

5. Hisagi Shuuhei Fanclub

6. Hisagi Shuuhei

7. Akatsuki Club

8. Sci-Fi Anime Club

9. Blonde Hair Club

10. Blue and Green Eyes Fanclub

11. Blue and Green Eyes Fanclub

12. Blue and Green Eyes Fanclub

13. How to Watch Anime

14. Fairy Tail Fanclub
All Comments (24) Comments
1. Get your NEW official member cards along with new member ID # HERE! Even if you received previous cards, the numbering system has been restarted and everyone can claim NEW ID #'s and NEW cards.
2. We have surpassed 4000 members!!! Get your 4000+ LE cards HERE! The thread will officially open on 01/12/12 Thursday ~8AM PST. They are available for a limited time, so get them fast!
Yo minna- san
--New Voting of the month is up -here-
600 Members Limited Edition Open! (: click here
Yo minna**
--New Voting is up -here-
--if u havented voted for couple of the month february -go here- Last chance
--For all bl stuff what starts 2011 or you know some who do look here
And if you whant a lil birthday card on your special day -then look at this
for all who already posted in here and changed your username please tell us
Thx alot have a nice day and Fun voting ;)
Yo minna new votings are up
Couple of the Month~december
Main Pic~Togainu
so have Fun and Happy Halloween
Yo Minna Votings are up:)
~~couple of the Month
~~Main Pic Voting
vote here
for the couple of the month october
happy valentine`s day
You walk really slow when you're with them.
You feel shy whenever they're around.
You smile when you hear their voice.
When you look at them, you can't see the other
People around you, you just see him/her.
They're all you think about.
You realize you're always smiling when you're
Looking at them.
You would do anything for them, just to see them.
While reading this, there was one person on your
Mind this whole time.
You were so busy thinking about that person, you
Didn't notice number seven was missing
You just scrolled up to check & are now silently
Laughing at yourself.
* send this to at lest 5 people in the next 10
And something good will happen.
Because you read this you will get kissed on
Friday. BREAK IT and your crush will ask someone else out.
Tomorrow will be the best day of you life. How
Ever, if you don't send this to at least 10 people,
By at least 1am, you will have bad luck for the rest
Of you life. Just copy, paste and you will get kissed
On Friday. DON'T send it back to the person who
Sent it to your TAG UR IT!! This is so scary.
Please download and host your own card so it won't mysteriously disappear in the future.
Please download and host your own card so it won't mysteriously disappear in the future.