Hi !! i just saw that you're reading bokura ga ita !! Can you please tell me where do you read it , i can't finf a lot of chapters ...
Thank you in advance ^^
nope... in fact...we have a winter holyday which is 2 weeks,than a 1 week holyday between the semesters,than a 1 week spring holyday and than the summer one=]].and we have 6 or 7 classes in one day...^.^
thats really cool...here we have 4 years for primary school,4 for junior high and 4 for highschool....and now i'm so glad cuz the summer holyday begin...but i cant stand the hot weather...it kills me T.T..today i think it was 39 celcius degrees..i tought i was gonna die=]]
yeah your right....but i am not worry i was the second in the class this year and i don't think it's gonna be to hard..i mean my big sister is in 9th grade and she was second there too and i'm btter prepared cuz i had better theaches and ya know...so how is highschool in poland?hard?....wow and you have only on year cool...and after the highschool what do you want to do?
eh good too....only 2 days and then SUMMER HOLYDAY...whoooooohoooooo....oh yes i cant wait...finaly i finish the 8th grade and then the highschool with all the hot guys are waiting for meh=]]yeeeees....friday all the 8th graders have a big party...but is hard to separate from your class mates after 4 years...ya know....you are in highschool right? how was your exams?
Szczerze powiedziawszy to moja przygoda z FMA zaczęła się od mangi, w dwa dni przeczytałam 13 tomów xD I jestem właśnie jedną z tych, które FMA kochają jako mangę :] Ale Brotherhood obejrzę, bo jest bardzo dobrze na mandze oparte i chciałabym niektóre sceny zobaczyć w formie animowanej, np jak Lin dostaje od Eda w pysk jego metalową ręką xDDD
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you really helped me :)
Thank you in advance ^^