All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 115.0
Mean Score:
- Watching44
- Completed406
- On-Hold6
- Dropped24
- Plan to Watch157
- Total Entries637
- Rewatched10
- Episodes6,801
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 27.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries103
- Reread0
- Chapters4,714
- Volumes429
All Comments (16) Comments
hope you get better doni ^^
but yes, I want to learn russian really badly,when i grow up that is.
dont care about japanese or french as much tho.
i plan to learn russian, japanese, and finish learning english lol
hmm. that seems sad.
what is your first language anyways.
that wasnt the proper response usually.
what cha hidin'
Hmm. I like shoujos and Morbid fucks.
so anti-social cuties like Sawako are great imo.
but my favorite characters are listed on my mal, i like certain characters for certain reasons, cant say i have a type per say.
btw. you have PMs off, so its illogical to send me a pm when i cant even respond to it
basically what i usually do when i get out of school
pretty shitty day but im feeling pretty good.
atleast I have a girl i can worry about to ignore my own issues
so what are you up to doni??
I dont want to be mean but I didnt fully understand all that. oh well! I got it well enough.
well. welcome aboard, I doubt we'll be great friends. i'm a douche to most people
Nice to meet you, I delete people who dont talk to me unless i have a strong enough bond with them or memories.
i see you have only black on your page, so what made you pick me?
Unless you are just adding lots and lots of friend request in hopes of not being alone anymore.
welp, I'm a blunt asshole and its nice to meet ya. again..
i seriouslly suck at convo, you should have FR'd literally anyone else lol