Well.. hmm... Im a pretty cool guy.. Im in college.. Single ;)
I make music... more so party music, but mainly hip hop/techno.. i combine the too.. making.. well.. hard hop.. heh.. I have been making music for about 5 years now.. almost 6.. (2003 roughly) yea..
Anime.. is amazing.. i mean.. there is nothing i can really say to express how i feel about anime.. to me.. its not just some cartoon, its a story.. and i only watch the best heh.. If the anime.. makes me emotionally attached to any of the characters, then its a good anime.. like if i cry when someone dies or something horrific happens... its a .. great anime. rating anime is foolish. Rating in general is just dumb. id say, there are bad, good, great, and amazing anime.. if i had to rate that is..
My favorite types are the ones that have people fighting. I dont really know the exact names.. bascially.. any anime that has some underdog that doesnt know his own power, and he really is incredibly strong.. thats the best... and if there is some kind of love triangle going on.. like Rosario + Vampire.. that has the love factor and the fighting.. thats what makes it a great anime.. in my book...
Or S-CRY-Ed or bleach or anything like that. Where fighting and love come into play.. those are the ones that really get me attached..
Well.. i hope you learned a lil bit about me.. feel free to IM me and chat about anime.. guys welcome, girls preferrably.. ha... but seriously.. anyone heh..
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