All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 129.4
Mean Score:
- Watching41
- Completed554
- On-Hold57
- Dropped100
- Plan to Watch28
- Total Entries780
- Rewatched66
- Episodes7,838
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 63.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries193
- Reread0
- Chapters11,375
- Volumes874
All Comments (33) Comments
I enjoyed Angel Beats while you didn't. I respect that.
I enjoyed K-On! while you enjoyed more. I also respect that.
-Angel beats
If you have some free time, check out my Angel Beats review and I hope you see the similarities and give me an opinion :)
Cheerz mate, keep it up!
But I must admit that his formula, works on me. I like what he wrote. Even Angel beast with all those mistake. There are some huge in this show but it seam that it push the entertaining button in my brain.
"Using the budget cuts to defend the trainwreck of a story is like when high school student complain that they would have done better on a test had they gotten more time. Sometimes, you just have to admit that you didn’t know what you were doing." brilliantly said.
I've known the guy for years and he's always been pretty laid back and lives life without much ambition or care for anyone else. As ridiculous as this may sound, when he saw Angel Beats last year, he went through some emotional changes. He now works for Big Brothers (Canadian group dedicated to providing for the homeless and needy) and spends all of his time helping those less fortunate. I couldn't believe it myself, I mean, the guy was pretty much an asshole before all this.
What I am saying is...that this anime affected him more so than when his parents died. I'm quite offended that you would call this change in him "fake". Is this change in his life over "false emotions"? I think the emotions he felt were very real and you have no right to call them otherwise.
You're basically stepping on the goodwill of all the people who become organ donors after watching Angel Beats (believe me, it actually happens). I had never thought about being an organ donor before but now I am one. It never even crossed my mind, I guess most people don't think about it. Say what you will about the anime but it enlightened me on how I could end up saving someone with my organs.
Also, your claim that it is not for people who like to think is entirely wrong. Even if you pull out some well thought out story that is incredibly deep and complex, does that make it good? No, even if something is simple, you can still "think" about it. Someone with the capability to do so can go in-depth and explore even the simplest of stories and create meaning out of it. If you are unable to do so and just label off something as simple, it means you didn't think it out and just passed it off.
For some people, drama is the core of story. Look at Shakespeare for example, are those "good stories"? Honestly, no...Shakespeare plays lack any form of "deep" story if we go by how you judge them. Shakespeare is famous for the story that arises from emotions. It is the over-dramatic moments in Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet that give rise to the story. Story and emotion/drama is one and the same. That's also the origins of drama theater itself.
Stop acting like an elitist claiming people are being suckered in. People watch and enjoy this stuff and you have no right to imply they are mindless sheep. So since you are not falling for it, you are superior then? You are better than them? Something is extremely popular and so those that like it are just being manipulated? BS, you're just like these snobby university students I encounter everyday acting like they are above the masses with their elitist attitudes. You guys think you're different and that because you are the minority that disagrees with the majority, you are special and above them. Face it, you're an elitist grabbing for attention by being different.