All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 163.0
Mean Score:
- Watching38
- Completed791
- On-Hold18
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch1,031
- Total Entries1,878
- Rewatched2
- Episodes9,950
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 32.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries389
- Reread3
- Chapters3,404
- Volumes605
All Comments (10240) Comments
Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 230 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Card Delivery
If I have to make an important phone call to a doctor appointment or something.
It has been 2 weeks since I have become a mother and I still can't believe. I was in labor for 40 hours and push for 1 hour. I'm so grateful that we lived in a time that epidural exists. I'm also grateful and lucky to have a husband that helps and also my friends and families.
Azure Dimension
Character Edition (Bakuman) 7-1 || Cards
Character Edition (Bakuman) 8-1 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 229 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 228 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Daily SE - 200 Days || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 225-226-227 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 224 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
But once I'm comfortable, I'm outgoing af.
I had my twins on the 9th, so it has been a pretty hectic time.
Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 223 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Character Edition (Isekai Smartphone) 5-1 || Cards
Character Edition (Isekai Smartphone) 6-1 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Character Edition (Sousei no Aquarion) 5-1 || Cards
Character Edition (Sousei no Aquarion) 6-1 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 222 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 221 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.