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Days: 23.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries125
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- Episodes1,348
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Manga Stats
Days: 4.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries21
- Reread0
- Chapters512
- Volumes83
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All Comments (5) Comments
Vanitas is my favorite but i feel like we haven't seen the girls nearly enough yet. Jeanne is my second favorite to, she is too adorable.
I find Alyss (Intention of abyss) interesting but mostly because she is affected and acts because of other peoples wills; Lacie's memories and Jack manipulating her. Personality wise i think she was left out from a lot of character development. I love her relationship with Cheshire tho, the ending there might have been the saddest in that final chapter
I liked Break and Vince most when finishing PH but it shifted to Oz and Jack as i started thinking more about how complex their characters really are and how much i can relate to them. Yeah but atleast Sharon had some very touching moments with Break, especially the ballroom scene.
In Vanitas? Definitely the part about Noé's past and chapter 1. Can't really say since the arcs so far have mostly been introducing concepts and building up for whats to come.
Loved the friendship between Leo and Elliot and Lacie is definitely a cool character, although it is hard to rank the characters in PH since all are really good. My favorites are Oz and Jack since they are really well written and I can connect with them.
Yes im following Vanitas as it is released, really interesting but it's too early to tell if it will live up to PH for me, eighter way im looking forward to it every month :)