Yo, i took a look at your Deviant art page and I gotta say your photography is really impressive, you do some beautiful work. I myself am into illustration and animation. I'm actually transferring to SOU this fall and I'm aiming to become a comic artist or video game concept artist after I graduate. Anyway keep up your good work, later.
Hey I was wondering if you wanted to hang out some time? Since most of my good Anime friends are back off to college, I decided I need to make some new ones! If you want just pop me a line and we can get each others numbers.
haha thx XD its from haruhi i think XD some random image i found pretty lulz.. yuppers! sure am uhmm... community college around here.. naaah ooh uhmm.. i think i got a deviant art acct idk i rarely go on it lemme find it or something... i havent really done much photography in awhile. i mean i did get a digital camera a little awhile ago buut i just use it to snap quick pics of stuff. still fun ^__^
haha naaaaah its alright i dont like long series they drag out too much O-o
plus all i cared abut in naruto was hinata and naruto and like my friend told me she confesses then like.. nothing. like they act like it never happend sooolammeee -_-
thx tho! ill keepthat in mind if i ever wanna like read naruto XD
torrents arent to hard but if u dont know how to use em its hard at first... i remember when i first tried to use 1 i downloaded the torrent and thought that it was the full program that i had wanted... i didnt know you needed a torrent client and that the torrent was basically a map for your computer so it can find the files out on the internet via p2p
my aunt teaches at PCC for photography of some sort shes not a full time teacher but i think she teaches Tue Wed in the after noon
oregons a pretty interesting place im sure if u got a few more oregonians then it would be allot better
you hear of octa 2010? oregons really gonna move up in the world if that passes or well even if it actually makes it on the ballot
i hate ps the programs good i guess but its controls are all wrong for a pc user
its made for macs (adobe is something like 1/3 owned by mac)
i dont have to deal wit ps to much but school still forces me to use it every now and then cus they got pwned by the big stupid companies i love gimps commands and how its organizes every thing but ps has more $ behind it meaning it got the better 1 click tools (idiot tools)
never use the red eye remover tho it totally sucks
im patrick im going to the worst school ever (ITT Tech) if every any1 you know says they are looking into ITT Tech tell them not to
im studying well its had 2 names now... first it was multimedia but they dropped the program so i was forced to change programs and lost some of my credits so now its called visual communications
i want to have a career in 3d modeling i love to model crap on my pc (macs cant model so :P)
Haha yes they can! Pom Poko not very good eh? There are some of the rare misses with Ghibli, but what can you do? Hey if you ever want to get together and watch some anime or just hang out give me a call. I think Spencer has my number!
All Comments (20) Comments
So havent seem any snow b4. U watch/read what genre?
BTW, how are you? XD
Hey I was wondering if you wanted to hang out some time? Since most of my good Anime friends are back off to college, I decided I need to make some new ones! If you want just pop me a line and we can get each others numbers.
Talk at ya later
plus all i cared abut in naruto was hinata and naruto and like my friend told me she confesses then like.. nothing. like they act like it never happend sooolammeee -_-
thx tho! ill keepthat in mind if i ever wanna like read naruto XD
this is one of the best scenes i know of they are real strict on your up/down ratio and they provide clean torrents and have a pretty good seeding
go to this site to sign up
when it asks for you invite code give it this
i looked up some stuff for ya
that 1 looks a bit hard and confusing and its for all of cs 4 not just ps
heres the 1 i found for ps CS4
torrents arent to hard but if u dont know how to use em its hard at first... i remember when i first tried to use 1 i downloaded the torrent and thought that it was the full program that i had wanted... i didnt know you needed a torrent client and that the torrent was basically a map for your computer so it can find the files out on the internet via p2p
my aunt teaches at PCC for photography of some sort shes not a full time teacher but i think she teaches Tue Wed in the after noon
oregons a pretty interesting place im sure if u got a few more oregonians then it would be allot better
you hear of octa 2010? oregons really gonna move up in the world if that passes or well even if it actually makes it on the ballot
i hate ps the programs good i guess but its controls are all wrong for a pc user
its made for macs (adobe is something like 1/3 owned by mac)
i dont have to deal wit ps to much but school still forces me to use it every now and then cus they got pwned by the big stupid companies i love gimps commands and how its organizes every thing but ps has more $ behind it meaning it got the better 1 click tools (idiot tools)
never use the red eye remover tho it totally sucks
im patrick im going to the worst school ever (ITT Tech) if every any1 you know says they are looking into ITT Tech tell them not to
im studying well its had 2 names now... first it was multimedia but they dropped the program so i was forced to change programs and lost some of my credits so now its called visual communications
i want to have a career in 3d modeling i love to model crap on my pc (macs cant model so :P)
interesting club you got there
looks like your collecting us oregonianz