Just an average anime fan who aside from watching animu enjoys playing video games most of the time. If anyone is gonna suggest an anime to me, I perfer if you don't recommend any shonens (don't have the time or day to watch 100+ animes), mechas, anything made before 2009 (cause chances are i've already seen it, I might make some exceptions though), and most important it needs to have a dub. I know people are gonna bash me for not being like them and watching subs or being too picky with anime, but if there's something to blame, its because I grew up watching dubs only and I rarely to never watch subs. But to be honest, its something I still question to this day and despite that I still never watch subs.
But anyways That's it. Hopefully that wasn't too long and whoever reading this didn't get mad at me for not watching subs and the latest anime in Japan. Then again I probably shouldn't care.
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