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Kami no Tou: Koubou-sen
Kami no Tou: Koubou-sen
Jan 18, 9:13 AM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 8
Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
Jan 12, 9:14 AM
Completed 14/14 · Scored 10
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Lout of Count's Family
Lout of Count's Family
Nov 3, 2024 4:43 AM
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Majo to Yajuu
Majo to Yajuu
May 6, 2024 12:18 PM
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Kzzz May 2, 2024 2:45 AM
dc ai dat 1 la vinland s2.....?
TenshiHGC Jan 3, 2024 1:51 PM

Jujutsu Kaisen bun :)
God-Loki Jul 17, 2022 7:08 AM
Thanks for accepting..
CPA Dec 8, 2020 12:55 AM
Simp V
AndyKyrielight Oct 9, 2020 8:15 PM
Well, I'm glad to hear it XD
No problem XD
Here I think things are better I'm always wearing a mask, since many places require masks like in shopping malls and public transit, so I hope we're reducing the risk with it. But because I am working at home, I avoid leaving home only when necessary or make my walk as well lol. Ohh that's really bad, anyway always be careful deeasenpai.

As I see you like it, I'll use this new nickname of yours a lot XD
No need to thank me haha. Yea I am telling the truth XD This I really don't know since I didn't check the profile calmly xD

Thanks for the compliment, well this review I will leave only in your comment XD
Have you tried to make reviews deeasenpai?

It will take time then wow :( Are you excited for Christmas coming? I think it's the best holiday of the year.

Well, the first is Majo no Tabitabi most are seasonals btw.
That show looks very promising, I liked the first ep. When I read the synopsis, I was already captivated, I imagined that I would be very chill with many of those reflections, btw her reaction after catching it was incredible, absurdly surprised by the quality of it, I hope it is episodic and does not force any unnecessary plot. It was only 24 minutes of episode but I was so immersed that the time didn't seem to pass and I don't feel as if it took much longer than it did, what a wonderful thing the animation is beautiful of course but it wasn't that that caught my attention, what caught my attention was the soundtrack, sometimes calm and serene so simple that you can't even notice it in some parts but it's messing with you, how exciting!

Next is Love Live Nijigasaki: Well it's quite similar to previous seasons but I feel that in this one the technical details have improved a lot mainly CGI & visual. Music as always is awesome. I have nothing to talk about bad honestly, I highly recommend for anyone!

Another that surprised me is Assault Lily: Bouquet It was very decent I see cute girls fighting monsters with an animation that makes most Shounen animes jealous, apart from the fact that here certainly will have Yuri (I really like it tho). For some reason it reminded me of Madoka I don't know why lol. Anyway, I'm excited to see how the story will go on.

Apart from these I have some others too, I want to watch most of the shows this season, it was a challenge that I did for myself lol.
Did you like The God of High School? I saw a lot of people talking badly about the show, mainly in reviews :O

Yea I get as a programmer & I am very happy about it! Although it is a very tiring job tbh.
I'm laughing a lot with this emoticon you used ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆ I really liked you using an emoticon \(^▽^)/

I imagine, everybody praised this season. The waifu of that season was Echidna right?
AndyKyrielight Oct 5, 2020 6:49 PM
You really are very understanding, thanks thanks thankssss. I thought you were very angry :(
No, I've never been angry with anyone for that reason, after all people have their lives off screen. Even more with you deeasenpai could never XD
Yea, I heard that in Romania cases have increased? so I hope you'll be fine.

Always when I see him I remember you is funny XD So your alternative name is now deeamesh XD
I would like to tell you one more funny fact for you, a few days ago before reply to you, I received an FR from a person with the same profile pic that you XD

Yea I watched this show & honestly I loved it. My favourite season was the 2nd season! When it comes to most RomCom's out there, they usually have the same generic-cliche trope. The girl liking the boy for no reason, just for plot and drama, instead of focusing on the relationship and real life. Our faces end up get shoved with unnecessary fanservice, not natural just for flashing some delicate parts. Sure, we can't deny we like to see some racy elements now and then. But it's only eye-candy with no relation to the story, nor does it add any nuance to the cast. No, it only serves as a way to ruin the flow of the storytelling, if anything. This is frequently dished out in most RomCom to keep the viewers interested, but for the wrong reasons. I don't mind fanservice but make it has some purpose if you're gonna flaunt it like that in our faces regularly. Or try to not flex it almost all the damn time.

If it's not useless and forced fanservice, it's creating drama by letting the characters move based on set decisions. This means acting in the way the situations tells you to over feeling genuine. Not to mention, you can't forget pouring on the waifus to attract more audience. But instead of fleshing them out, they get used for the same thing repeatedly with the typical set of personalities but nothing more. Such as being a tsundere, a shy girl, onee-san type, perhaps even an imouto type. Why not? It just adds more content to deal with you're not going to go anywhere with or is even not remotely contributing to characters. Either it gets stale quickly or goes to plant the seeds for the show's ruin since nothing gets solved, and everything ends up becoming a mess.

That's where Oregairu comes in, one of the best RomCom out there and for clear and feasible reasons. Not only does Oregairu avoid most of the issues the romance genre tends to have. The one with forced-fanservice, not letting the character develop beyond their pre-established traits. It has excellent use of dialogue that's sharp-witty and is very refreshing. If you know about Monogatari by the brilliant Nisiosin. In that case, you can see the similarities in Oregairu with how the characters speak to each other. It's intriguing and striking, with a big dash of maturity. It does not waste much of its dialogue. It got tons of nuance in there and depth that can mean a lot more than you might give it credit for. Instead of giving us dialogue, that's easy to interpret. Oregairu does things straightforward but does not convey the words directly but with a sense of vagueness. Like saying "I love you" or something similar gets across by using the environment, the characters' traits, emotions, or a personal link to a moment or thing, they could have from the past. It's hard to really put it into words, so I hope you understood the gist of what I am trying to get across.

Majority of the mature audience will get more out of Oregairu. Teens are more likely to enjoy it for its delightful comedy and quirky-dorky characters. But someone who has experienced life over many years is more liable to see the true appeal of Oregairu and appreciate it. As the dialogue for someone too young could be overwhelming and complicated. It's not like you will perceive every word perfectly, but it will make you comprehend things more easily. Even adults could have problems, and that's a given. Oregairu is written as such. I had to watch scenes, even an episode, several times to make sure I understood it, but the dialogue is damn entertaining. So I didn't mind that. There are, as a result, various ways to interpret the conversations. Among the many reasons, Oregairu is the only RomCom. I have seen to this day. I would label a gem without feeling dubious about it. It's not flawless, but it's the closest thing to perfection I have found in the RomCom genre.

Hikigaya Hachiman, our male protagonist, a bit of an oddball but in a good way. Hachiman is an isolated boy who tends to like spending time alone over being with others. He is pragmatic to a fault and gets as such worried over the most minor things. Hachiman sees the world in a very quirky but fascinating way through his trademark dead-fish eyes. One of the things he says is that he believes "youth" itself is just an illusion created by hypocrites, for hypocrites." Suffices to say he is a unique one but, at the same, totally relatable on a personal level. Oregairu doesn't just show us the exterior, but even the inner workings of our characters' minds and how they think. Hachiman's inner monologuing is one of the wittiest things you will ever encounter, both valuable and engaging. It's filled with enthusiasm. How he thinks about others, situations, and so forth gives you different perspectives to chew on.

Not only does this in an ingenious way, flesh him out, but it shows how similar we are to Hachiman deep down where no one can read or hear what we are thinking. He is written in a way to not make you cheer him on because you can love him, hate him, or completely feel neutral. It just makes sense. Hachiman is someone that reflects back your inner feelings and viewpoints. Issues that are common amongst many teens and adults even. Things like how does it truly feel being alone? What happens when you try to open up to people? Why are you afraid to talk with others. Why are you secluding yourself from others in the first place? What is your trauma and scars of the past, the reason you act in such a way? These and more everyday issues are answered through Hachiman's interactions and views on the world and its people. Making his development so damn fantastic. It's executed extraordinarily well. Hachiman is, no doubt, one of my all-time favorite characters.

So many characters in Oregairu that have affected each other in either a negative or positive way. That is to say, the side cast also influences the more crucial characters. Nothing much feels wasted with Oregairu's writing or execution. Yukino and Yui are a prime example of how you do two characters with trope we've seen before stunningly. Yukino is on the surface your everyday serious and passionate about her studies kind of girl. She's intelligent and got that cool beauty vibe going. But a reminder, that's just on the surface on the inside. She has all kinds of problems she must overcome. That's not even counting her situation with family, which is a delicate topic that might spoil major parts about her character. So gonna stop here. Then there is Yui, who is your everyday innocent, bubbly kind of girl. She is so easy to talk with and overflows of charm and is always so positive that she spreads a burst of sunshine and happiness wherever she treads. That's not even considering her iconic way to greet someone—Yahallo. Which gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside and is so damn adorable top it all off.

Again, that's if we look at the surface. As we progress, we see how vulnerable weak-willed our adorable cinnamon truly is. At last, there's Iroha, she is another compelling and loved character in Oregairu. She is the very bold, decisive sort of girl. Who loves to reject Hachiman over and over for strangest reasons. But It never seems to get old. Because she throws a banger rapping number whenever she does her thing. On top, the rejections seem to get mellower from going to "Nah, impossible" to "Try again next time." Implying Iroha is gradually growing feelings for Hachiman and slowly starting to open herself up. It goes to show the dialogue can have valuable information without you knowing. So, it's highly recommended to rewatch Oregairu to appreciate it all the more. Iroha is cheeky, very endearing, and foxy and is just as much fun as the other love interests. Everyone is unique and complicated. It's hard to explain the characters are merely a few sentences. You really must dig deep for that.

Despite my previous points, I wanna discuss one more character, which gives you an idea of how imouto or little sisters should be portrayed. It's normal for imouto anime to be ecchi and not be a good role model for how a sibling pair acts in reality. There are many innuendoes, which often is offensive to the point it's laughably bad and unrealistic. It doesn't feel sincere and might, at times, feel forced. Komachi is a prime example of how an imouto relationship in fiction should be more like. The banter between her and Hachiman always fills me with so much joy and is hilarious. It's wholesome, pleasant, charming, and stuffed with tons of witty and astute remarks that one never gets bored out of. Komachi and Hachiman have the kind of relationship where they can be endearing toward one another or be savage and roaste each other. Komachi's sassiness is so damn endearing and is put in a single line just incredibly funny and engaging. It's kind of like how real siblings are at the core. They do love each other, but more than that, they enjoy teasing, making fun, and pranking one another without letting up. I find their relationship so adorable, wholesome, even a bit unique and amusing, but not excessive or offensive in the slightest.

It's true most times you put on a different identity for your friends, the teachers, parents, relatives, on the internet, and even your siblings. To go from someone shy and afraid to speak out plainly to become a person who doesn't care about saying whatever is on his mind. This just makes this excellent quote by Hachiman resonate with me so profoundly: "We all have our own personal images that's dictated by others, one that's always off the mark. We wish to remain faithful to ourselves, but who gets to decide who we are as a people? When our image never goes hand-in-hand with reality, where can we find something genuine? Where can we find ourselves?". That's another thing to look forward to in Oregairu. And that's outstanding amounts of sharp and intense dialogue that can really make you think. The following quote essentially tells me we have a different mask for everyone dictated based on their being. If someone is more soft-spoken, you are careful to not overwhelm them with a coarser language. But if someone uses a rougher language and writing style, you tend to match, so you are on the same wavelength. There can be many reasons, but one that comes to mind is to not give wrong impressions.

Now looking at everything discussed, there is one more thing that makes the characters of Oregairu stand out more than many others. And that's "flaws." I don't mean those who come out nowhere but the ones that have always been there somehow. If you use the idea of "show and tell," than Oregairu is definitely more of the former. You'd have to read between the lines and comprehend the hazy but informative dialogue as you see fit. That gives you more options to think around, and it provides you a chance to play detective and crack the code by not giving you straight answers. What makes sense to you? How would you explain the character's actions or even Oregairu from a more metaphorical perspective? Calling it even a highly advanced RomCom does not constitute much justice. I have my take on it, but others might differ. The following just made sense to me.

Oregairu encapsulates the pain of moving forward and to continue living through both the good and the bad. The pain you experience by protecting others, only by hurting yourself in the process. Nobody can comprehend the pain of your own struggles and worries, even if you clearly tell it to someone. The pain of being genuine, it's the cold-hard true. Often, the truth hurts more than you could imagine. That's life in a nutshell, and Oregairu gets that across stunningly well. Life is pain. But it's harder to live a life that's becoming and worthwhile than just dying. Pain is what we started Oregairu with, and that's where we went. Not everyone got all their wishes fulfilled, and it was painful to see these other best girls lose. But that's life. Oregairu makes you commend and admire everyone who goes on with their life. At the same time, their pain bears over their shoulders, responsibilities, and other conflicts. This is literally an everyday thing for us humans, even if it's unique for everyone. Whether it be work, school, homework to do, bills to pay, financial needs, time-constraint, or other actualities. The fact is we are all tacking and handling our pain daily to make sure it hurts less and less. As a result, we are all slaves in our own life. Looking at it like that, we are totally so damn awesome not to go nuts and keep to our routines. Even if we stray more times than we are willing to admit and waste it by procrastination or other matters that should not be prioritized. Pain is also there to remind us that joy and fun should be savored properly, not taken for granted.

About the art-style of Oregairu, it's improved in every way since the first season. At the time, the visuals where wonky, and the art was only decent at best. It still didn't nail the atmosphere of Oregairu across the board. We got a far more polished and refined version when the sequel came out. Everyone looked so much more expressive. Not to mention, the background looked absolutely stunning and harmonized so fittingly with the mood of the given situation. Season two accentuates Hachiman's eye on "Deadeyes" more vividly, and the whole cast looks mature for one. But there is a cute feeling to the style. Season one did have a slightly more lighthearted vibe, so the first style worked, but it's good. It was changed for the later parts since everything is so different and challenging. We are far away from simpler times. I want to lightly touch upon the sound for Oregairu. It got many top-notch openings and ending songs that exude nostalgia and emotions. Opening from the first season to the last was sung by Nagi Yanagi, and her tunes were never disappointed. There is no bad opening song or ending songs in Oregairu. Ending are sung usually by both the lovely Yui and Yukino's angelic voice actresses, which is another blessing to your ears. That's not even counting how many incredible insert songs we got.

Crazy how much I have discussed Oregairu, but barely touched upon the romance topic and how it's handled. But I can assure you it's beautifully depicted and tastefully grown over time. None of the females starts out liking Hachiman from the getgo. We did have some shaky parts in the final season, but for me, the conclusion made it worthwhile. Not to mention, a love confession did happen in Oregairu-style, and it's one of the most satisfying and adorable things I have seen. It carried so much weight and value since both parties expressed far many words than a simple "I love You" ever could. It's no doubt my favorite love confession, and I wonder if anything will ever beat it for me. Everything to the atmosphere, setting, dialogue, and background was simply flawless. Closing it off with a beautiful song made the impact far more incredible and sincerer. I've discussed Oregairu strengths in great detail.

Here comes the time to touch upon its flaws, what could've been better, and what needed work. I am not a light novel reader as of yet, so this is my anime-only viewpoint. Oregairu for me, is more than solid and it's concluded. You can't say about many RomCom nowadays since they seem to always draw the short end and get hanging after one horrible or barley decent cour. Sadly the last season did have some inconsistencies and segments that didn't mesh or flow naturally. Above all, it was heavily rushed, but it didn't ruin the story entirely and its direction. From an adaptation standpoint, season two was the strongest. Despite also being rushed, it felt well-balanced all-around. Season one was great as well. I didn't feel like things moved too fast or otherwise. Season three is where most got problems for being a bit inconsistent and moving things too quickly. All said and done, there were many solid episodes, the best one being the 11 and 12th arguably. I am surely biased when it comes to Oregairu, but I don't see any point in not praising it to such high heavens. It was such a perfect ending that gave us a proper resolution to the romance and the relationship. I wanna note that Oregairu got a strong side cast when it comes to interactions, but they are not very fleshed out. They only get brought to our attention to progress the main story forward; otherwise, we often don't hear from them.

I am gonna confess there's many characters I personally would adore to have a more prominent role. I got such a sweet spot for Yumiko Miura for one. She is such a cute tsundere that got more to her than meets the eye. Saki Kawasaki was supposed to be another love interest for Hachiman. Yet, she never felt a part of the game, and only got some moments here and there. Haruno and Hayama was fascinating but their ending left some tings to be desired. While many others just ended up taking space for literally nothing in the end. Oregairu is one of the few RomCom's out there, after which a rewatch might offer a more powerful but incredibly rewarding effect. No way you can get everything at first glance since the dialogue is high-level. Not to mention, not giving straight answers and using exact words mean they could have several interpretations. Various answers could be the correct one. Just make sense of your logic, and you can get possibly away with your explanation of the situation. Oregairu truly is an incredible story with an intense and rich set of characters. No one should miss it out for anything. It gets a big fat must watch from me. If you're bored of the generic and cliche RomCom with the same elements repeated over and over.

Most who don't like it are those who have not seen or read it. I've said it many times. But Oregairu is not so easy and has many layers to talk about. At times it can be a quality comedy. Other times, you might find yourself dealing with politics and internal school issues. Our primary setting is in a service club that helps out students with any request they might ask. This serves as another way to flesh out our cast and give us an interesting perspective on things we might've thought about but never revealed in the open. Oregairu cast is reflective of their issues and worries. They are always evolving meticulously. Oregairu is a damn fantastic RomCom. A masterpiece I loved with all my heart, and I recommend to everyone with every single fiber of my being. Sorry for the long text XD

Ohh I hope you find some free time, I'm sure you'll enjoy the game. So, what animes are you watching for now? I imagine you're looking forward to taking a holiday just to relax XD

I have been good, I am working at home so I do not need to go to the company. So it is much more comfortable. Although last weekend I was packed with work stuff XD I'm also reading a lot of mangas, because I want to do some reviews from it XD
I'm very happy to talk to you again q(≧▽≦q)
Btw how was Re: Zero 2nd season?

AndyKyrielight Sep 23, 2020 11:25 PM
Well, first of all I sorry for such a long delay in replying you deeasenpai :(((( I'm really sorry but maybe you're angry & I understand if that's the case.... I was playing Fate GO so when I saw Gilgamesh I remembered you... I haven't forgotten you deeasenpai... I would like to chat to you again was very fun...

Yea the book was very good, then I read some others was fun at least. My favourite anime of this season is for sure Rent-a-girlfriend I don't know if you watched it but it is very enjoyable :)))
I've been alright, just keeping myself safe. I'm also working at home, so that helps on it :))) As I mentioned before I am also playing Fate GO. You play too?

Yea I watched Isekai Quartet sounds like a joke but I did laugh a lot thing on that chibi style.
It's so amusing and happy to see them interact with each other. It's the biggest strenghth of this anime, it excels in humour department. While I can't say the same about the animation or the artstyle, it's not a problem. The chibi style only helps more. Anyway I hope you have been well in this time & especially be safe XD

backL2 Aug 27, 2020 6:56 PM
You can watch the movie here
AndyKyrielight Aug 19, 2020 6:30 PM
Laziness is shit XD
Is a book series which is too big for me to read tbh to understand you have to read prequels (that I haven't really read lol). But "After thousands of years of expansion & conquest, the imperium of man is at its height. His dream for humanity nearly accomplished, the emperor hands over the reins of power to his warmaster, Horus, & heads back to Terra. But is Horus strong enough to control his fellow commanders & continue the emperor's grand design?" Though there were some things I didn't quite understand xD.
Well, I enjoyed it in terms of story, I'm really excited for the second season, if there will be one. I think this show did a great job of weaving the Tower's secrets throughout the show's arc without revealing too much nor too little. My curiosity has definitely been piqued but I'm still coming away from the show with enough of an understanding of the world of the Tower & the various characters to not feel confused & disheartened. I like the mystery of who Bam is - indeed, the mystery of who almost every character is. The world is unapologetically magical - the story doesn't coddle the audience, nor does it condescend to give us some cheap narrated explanation of every type of person & species that belongs to the world of TOG, beyond a vague description of the Tower & King Jahad & his princesses. We're dropped into TOG & told 'take it or leave it' from the very beginning, but because Bam only cares about the Tower & Rachel initially we don't need people to explain how the world works beyond the necessities & it's easier to 'take it'. This is part of the reason why watching the entire show is so important - the worldbuilding is done through the secondary characters' backstories & the tests themselves. I may be in the minority here, but I really prefer this type of simplistic & gradual worldbuilding as opposed to being force-fed tons of clunky, narrated information, especially in a relatively somber show so far removed from reality & walking the delicate line between sci-fi & fantasy.
I think the characters, however, are TOG's strongest point I know I stated above that neither Rachel nor Bam are my kind of character, but they both revealed hidden depths throughout the course of the show that left me feeling either great adoration or deep hatred for them (watch the show & find out which of them is endearing & which is hateful). In my opinion, the secondary characters are all incredibly lovable & intriguing with stories of their own - Khun & Endorsi are two of my personal favorites & never let me down once throughout the series. I think the women in the show are especially interesting & strong & not once grotesquely objectified which, for me at least, was an added bonus! Every character has an arc & the connections feel genuine, which only makes the knowledge that they may all have to kill each other at some point even harder to bear.
The art style seemed to leave a lot of people disappointed, but I'm honestly not sure why? Not every anime has to be detailed & unique to within an inch of its life - the beauty of TOG is in its raw & simple style. Character designs are plainer than some, but in a way that reflects the surroundings & suits each character's personalities well. The style feels like its meant to harken back to the original webtoon & the bleak coloring contrasting with the bright amber & azure hues of one character's Shinsu versus the rest of the Tower's Shinsu is deeply visually striking. Perhaps the animation doesn't always necessarily add to the show, but it certainly never detracts. I'm not an expert when it comes to sound in anime nor do I pay much attention to it in general, but I thought the music, especially the shrill violin that would play over the most shocking moments throughout the show, was well-done.
That show really it surprised me, intrigued me, &, by the final episode, had me firmly riveted to the characters & the story. Looking back on it, I can almost think of it as a prequel for what's to come because so much of it is delicately setting up characters, relationships, & questions in the viewers' minds about the Tower & King Jahad & the entire world within TOG. & that might irritate some, I completely get that - but I still stand by my opinion. I think it's great that this first season spends so much time on details because I think that practically guarantees even better seasons to come.

Really deeasenpai? That was sweet, thank you XD Alright but I'll send them then since it's so much fun tbh XD
What would you like to talk about deeasenpai? How's the job going?

AndyKyrielight Aug 17, 2020 5:10 PM
I'm a little lazy I confess but I will reply xD
Well, I just read a book haha. How's Kami no Tou going so far? Do you like it when I send Gifs or do you prefer without them?
AndyKyrielight Aug 15, 2020 3:03 PM
I'll reply to your comment more late okay deeasenpai? anyway how's weekend so far?
AndyKyrielight Aug 14, 2020 8:34 PM
Hey deeasenpai, I wrote a long comment for you but that shit wasn't, ahh MAL always having problems... You can see it in the comment below that.
AndyKyrielight Aug 14, 2020 8:25 PM
Yae_Sakura Aug 12, 2020 9:49 PM
Np ^_^
Hope u had a good one :)
AndyKyrielight Aug 11, 2020 1:36 PM
Really? thank youuu deeasenpai😁 It now appears that the situation is stable. In thinking that I pay subscription to help the site improve. You have to take some time to relax & read some mangas deeea. Yea it goes by very fast indeed 😅 Btw do you like to ride a bike?

You may not believe it but yea there's girls who like it, tho mostly it's watched by boys. I guess the intention is that it has no story 😓 & yea there's always rape in the middle... Anyway Just go if whatever you like as long as you aren't hurting anyone. Just don't get into my mind girls like that 🤣

Well, now I'm calmer since you're really doing it because you like so its okay 😊 You seem to be the type who does that XD I like your words 😁 Nah usually used on the PC mostly times my microsoft edge browser has this option. But you can use this site if you want is the same emojis that I usually use. 😁

You who are sweet XD I think is all over Europe since I've seen other people commenting on it. You like tall buildings btw?

That way it's better because you go without knowing what to expect. 😊

Do have any of her music that you like? Yea great actors, do you have any movie favs of both?

Deeasenpai post a lot of pictures in the instagram? XD you use tik tok? 😮 I find an app very stupid & every time I watch a clip de la I usually lose a lot of IQ 😂 USA want to ban the app from all American territory you heard that news?

Nice one thing in common XD Btw why are so many MC so adapted differently from their source material like LNs or VNs?
I’ll give an example Touma from Toaru or Shirou from FSN. I wanted to hear your opinion 😊

At least this open xD how's your summer so far deeasenpai?

Me too, I listen to a lot of music from this channel, it's very good XD Wow that song is so niceeee 😁 thank you for sharing with me, I appreciate that 🥰
Listen to this song I like a lot.

I simply loved your response deeasenpai. I can say that I completely understand your point of view & think it's really cool that your friends & family mean so much to you. Romania is the country you were born so obviously you'll always prefer him. Nah you're the sweetest romanian I've ever met XD tbh I thought all the people in romania was angry always all days, I don't know why 😂

Yea but it would be fun to see you in the world of No game no Life deeasenpai XD Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, I'm honestly enjoying listening to you. Do you hate competition? I didn't know :O Now that I know your opinion on this, I'd like to hear what is the most dangerous anime world to live in? Do you have any anime in mind that in your opinion would be very dangerous?

When time goes by quickly it means that the conversation is indeed flowing well XD Glad to hear that really thank you for saying that 😁 I hope we can keep chatting for a long time 😊 Deeasenpai is so sweet talking Andy-kun XD mulțumesc foarte mult 🥰

Chiar nu trebuie să-mi mulțumești, trebuie să vă mulțumesc că ați fost mereu atât de amabil și de dulce pentru mine 😁 este întotdeauna distractiv să răspunzi la comentariile tale deeasenpai 🥰 I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong 😅

Yea me too, Noragami is fun, cool, and fun. I enjoyed it and I think most people also liked. The story is pretty fun and creative and I really like the concept and the way things develop. The way they deliver their lines does a good job making the comedy moments more effective (something I think a lot of animes struggle with). The characters are all great. Hiyori, mature Yukine and Yato are all lovable in different ways. Thanks for always taking a time to reply to my comments, mulțumesc foarte mult 😊 How's your week going so far btw?

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