I actually haven't really even checked out the card. I'm not really the biggest fan of modern New Japan, and Suzuki, my favorite guy there by a wide, wide margin, being sent to NOAH really soured my perception of the company so I've been out of their loop (the last thing they put out I watched was Shibata vs. Sakuraba which I dug). I probably should since the Nakamura/Ibushi match from 2013 is one of my favorite matches, AJ Styles is finally wrestling in a well-booked, not remotely TNA-esque promotion, and I generally enjoy most of the native roster I've seen get representation, though. What have been the real picks of the bunch?
I can hardly approve of calling One Piece "bad shounen", though I'm at the point in my life where it doesn't really bother me if someone holds a differing opinion. Still, the writing is almost objectively impressive (particularly in regards to plot development); you'd do well not to dismiss it, especially as a fan of Ippo with which shares quite a few aesthetic parallels.
I'm really lacking in my familiarity with 90's puro besides All Japan's out put which I'm somewhat versed in. Interesting you should mention that match, as that, the Kawada/Taue vs. Misawa/Kobashi broadway, and all of Hase's All Japan work are the big oversights on my part. You have any more esoteric recs?
I don't know much about shoot beyond the famous stuff (Vader vs. Takada, Fujiwara and Fujinami vs. Kakaihara, Sano vs. Suzuki, Han vs. Tamura, things to that effect); are there any great lost gems of the style? Albright, in particular, is a guy I've really wanted to see more from after watching his All Japan work but can't really find any frame of reference for his work.
Are you (as) familiar with anything earlier? Besides Kings' Road, the general 80's style is my favorite thus far (I'm of the mind that simple dynamics fit generally do a match better than the often overreaching style), but, again, the lack of a point of reference has made navigating a bit difficult
Also, I saw that you were watching One Piece; gotta advise against this. The anime starts off as strong adaptation with some random filler arcs or an easy to ignore scene of filler here and there, but it REALLY falls off around the best part of the series. Terrible animation, horrid, horrid pacing (everything is dragged out to almost absurd lengths and dialogue is spoken noticeably slowly), and almost comic amounts of filler.
Thanks, that was an awesome burst of machismo and violence. All I'd seen prior of their series was the 96 match; are the rest similarly great?
btw how familiar are you with 90's All Japan? There are an absurd number of incredible gems you here nothing about; this, for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKEcaczF1lQ
Not sure if I've watched the 97 ones, I do like the 99, Tokyo Dome tag and final match so I should probably get the rest of the feud.
By the way you should really read the Ippo manga. It's over 500 chapters ahead of the anime and has heel vs. heel fights, awesome squash matches, the series equivalent to a Stan Hansen match, a Ric Flair esque heel, etc.
Thanks, already use that site but haven't see 4 of those matches. Hashimoto getting in the face of all the NOAH guys jumping up on the corner made my heart melt.
All Comments (17) Comments
Virgin LSD-trip war nonsensities songs < Aesthetically pleasing yugomemes
jos vise cringy
w8 m8 .. shitcom ti je na completed listi 10/10
I'm really lacking in my familiarity with 90's puro besides All Japan's out put which I'm somewhat versed in. Interesting you should mention that match, as that, the Kawada/Taue vs. Misawa/Kobashi broadway, and all of Hase's All Japan work are the big oversights on my part. You have any more esoteric recs?
I don't know much about shoot beyond the famous stuff (Vader vs. Takada, Fujiwara and Fujinami vs. Kakaihara, Sano vs. Suzuki, Han vs. Tamura, things to that effect); are there any great lost gems of the style? Albright, in particular, is a guy I've really wanted to see more from after watching his All Japan work but can't really find any frame of reference for his work.
Are you (as) familiar with anything earlier? Besides Kings' Road, the general 80's style is my favorite thus far (I'm of the mind that simple dynamics fit generally do a match better than the often overreaching style), but, again, the lack of a point of reference has made navigating a bit difficult
btw how familiar are you with 90's All Japan? There are an absurd number of incredible gems you here nothing about; this, for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKEcaczF1lQ
I've got more free time than ever these days because of Summer, so if you're in the same predicament and want to talk puro (or other things) I'm down.
kečerska manga, score: 7,5
Get on that shit bruh. asap!
Also figured I'd share something cool the anime left out: http://i26.mangareader.net/hajime-no-ippo/209/hajime-no-ippo-99820.jpg and http://i2.mangareader.net/hajime-no-ippo/209/hajime-no-ippo-99821.jpg
By the way you should really read the Ippo manga. It's over 500 chapters ahead of the anime and has heel vs. heel fights, awesome squash matches, the series equivalent to a Stan Hansen match, a Ric Flair esque heel, etc.