hey my name is bailey I love anime its the best thing I just love being in all kinds of worlds I just dont like to be in one place at a time but it just my own point haha
My favorite anime : Inuyasha, Bleach, Fullmatel alchmist, Pandoar hearts and lots more if u are out for great anime just ask me or send me some of your favorits to watch i aslo like manga to secound best.
Im my eyes and to other i would say about myself is that Im:
speacks my mind
always opend to new ideas
kind of loud when i get to exited
alittle of a air head alway dreaming and woundering in the clouds
sometimes gets borad real quick
dont like how peolpe don"t look at things at a different point of view
love the color white
try not to be negetive in some things
very tiety
like to watch and do sports
have in intrest in drawing and art
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