Konnichiwa minna-san!
Artist/author: My favorite is probably Yuu Watase.. It seems I always enjoy all of her works and there were even times i rated her stuff a 10 before i even knew she was the one who made it. I think it was just meant to be that she remains my number 1 favorite. I didn't put her under my favorite people list because I feel she deserves her own category. :P Which is why I decided to talk about her first.
Subbed or dubbed:
I generally watch SUBBED anime over dubbed but there are still a specific list i could name off that I watch in english as well as subbed; Ranma 1/2, Fushigi Yugi, Gundam Wing, Shakugan no Shana, Night Walker, Ayashi no Ceres, Black Cat, DearS, Chobits, Sorcerer Hunters, Nadesico, Petite Princess Yucie, Gantz, Samurai X, Mermaid Forest, UFO Princess Valkyrie and anything by the creator of Spirited Away.. I think thats roughly about it for dubbed versions. There might be one or two i missed.. However I do feel you get the real experience of the anime from watching the real version. If i watched the dubbed version then that means I don't mind how they dubbed the voices and they did a good job. There are still some anime like Higurashi that i refuse to watch dubbed, even to see how bad it is. There is no way that anime could even be half as good, dubbed.
My favorite anime listed isn't exactly accurate because I have many favorites. Since ive seen hundreds of anime (and I still have yet to add them all to my anime list), i probably have too many favorites to name... lol I just decided to list my first original favorites that turned me into the anime freak that I am today! Of course they still one of my top favorites today. =P I also wish I could make my favorite character list longer. ^_^ Its missing characters like Watanuki from XXXHolic, Michiru from Sailormoon, Chichiri from Fushigi Yugi, Shion from Higurashi, and Duo Mawell from Gundam Wing...
Genre Anime:
I am a huge horror anime fan, as well as science fiction, fantasy, adventure and slice of life anime. However, i do like all types of genre's depending on the anime. Even as of lately ive watched some new romance anime which i was never really into in the past. ^_^ I'm not very big on Mec anime. Nadesico, Guindam Wing and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann are exceptions.

Welcome to the NHK!

Haruka and Michiru of SailorMoon. <3<3<3
Favorite Manga's:
Honestly, my favorites list isn't quite accurate. I have many favorites.. Normally whatever is under my manga list, anything rated a 9 or 10 are what I enjoy the most and can keep reading over and over again. xD! I also can read any genre of manga, just as long as the book doesnt have very small dialogue.. i can't stand books that have like two sentences on each page. wff? lol For example: Witchblade. Oh god.. >.>;

I dont know what this is from.. but... *grin* Perhaps from a japanese yaoi game? If anybody knows, feel free to pass the information along this way. hehe!

Gentlemen's Alliance AKA Shinshi Doumei Cross

Subaru from Tokyo Babylon.. ya I know, i love him. ;) lol
Music Videos made by Mwuah:
I dont have that many right now. Its been maybe 6-7 years since i made music videos of anime and unfortunately i lost all of my old ones due to replacing my older computers years ago. However I got some new ones I'll be working on. So far I have the following:
Vampire Knight: Music from Soundtrack (
Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations: Barb of Wires (
Please comment on whatever videos I post up! ^_^ TY! If interested, my myspace is
http://www.myspace.com/darkwhisper... feel free to add me or whatever.
You could also read my blog if you wish.. some entries are kind of stupid, but others help me remember stuff about where I am in a series, etc.. I also am probably going to write more about live-actions and j-drama's in my blog since there is no database to record such things on this site. =P Feel free to check them out if you are interested in watching any.
All Comments (25) Comments
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The 1st match of the Quarter-Finals of the KSF Character Tournament has ended and the winner is, Rosetta! Thanks for voting!
You can vote in the 2nd match here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The 7th match of the KSF Character Tournament has ended and the winner is, Layla! Thanks to everyone who voted. You can vote in the next match here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The winner of the 6th match of the KSF Character Tournament is, Fool! Thanks to those who voted. You can vote in the next match here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
It's that time again! The 5th match of the KSF Character Tournament is over and the winner is (with a really close fight), Leon Oswald! Thanks to everyone who participated. The 6th match is now up and you can vote here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The winner of the 4th match of the KSF Character Tournament is, Anna Heart! Thanks to everyone who participated. The 5th match is already up, feel free to vote here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The 3rd match of the KSF Character Tournament is over and the winner is, Ken Robbins! Thanks to everyone who participated. The 4th match is now up and you can vote here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The 2st match of the KSF Character Tournament is done (for a long time already) and the winner is.. Rosetta Passel! Thanks to everyone who participated. Also, the 3rd match is finally up and you can vote here.
Sorry it took so long!
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The 1st match of the KSF Character Tournament is done and the winner is.. Mia Guillem! Thanks to everyone who participated. Also, the 2nd match is already up and you can vote here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Hi everyone!~ We have a few announcements under the spoiler tag. Please read it if you have time. :)
That's all! Have a nice day/night people!
by Kaleido Star Fans admin/s
Hi everyone!~
Have a nice day/night people!
by Kaleido Star Fans admin
unfurtunetly I haven't seen all the live action d:
and sorry for the late anser, but I had a lot of homework u__u
Wishing you all the Best ^^