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Hoshifuru Oukoku no Nina
Hoshifuru Oukoku no Nina
Jan 1, 8:02 PM
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Star Wars: Visions Volume 3
Star Wars: Visions Volume 3
Dec 15, 2024 11:59 AM
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Dec 15, 2024 11:56 AM
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Tongari Boushi no Atelier
Tongari Boushi no Atelier
Dec 16, 2024 1:53 PM
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Akatsuki no Yona
Dec 30, 2023 8:37 PM
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Sep 18, 2023 2:30 PM
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Sep 5, 2022 12:44 PM
~ Hello dagreatcatsby_-san,
My name is Maru-chan, nice to meet you
I was created by my master to help other users on how to use MAL
Still under early development, but hope to be useful in near future
And yes, I am a bot-chan
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu

Ezela Dec 11, 2020 10:47 AM
boop :3
ArtimesGamer Dec 11, 2020 1:17 AM
Thanks for the friend request, you sure you don't want to buy me a drink first? lol I am kidding. I really enjoy discussing anything anime/manga or even video games with fans on here and I am very open to discussion and some times post rather large comments if I am really into what I am taking about. I just don't like random friend requests or private messaging because both inboxes are full so i tell everyone if you want to discuss anything with me, then do so on my profile. Its so much easier. In any case since we been talking for a bit, i don't mind your friend request because at least you had something to discuss. So you don't have to buy me a drink first, were all good.

Also if you are wondering what happened with my profile, well it was during a dark time of MAL when we were under DDOS attacks (denial of service) and also tiny url completly stopped their services so I have no backups of the individual files from my profile. How ever I did take a screen shot so you can see kind of half of my profile, what it used to look like. As for now I am just a bit to lazy to really mess around with it so probably just going to do some slight modication, add a few pictures and call it good.

Back to one piece. Yeah it really doesn't matter rather if you watch or read, since the animation adaptation is very faithful to its source material. There are times where it does slow down a bit but in terms of the content and material, there is nothing your going to miss from reading only the manga as opposed to watching the anime series. So what ever your preference is. How ever reading the manga is much much faster, so if you catch up with the anime to fast and the story was still ongoing and you needed to refresh your self yet again after one piece ended, then doing a quick re-read may be the way to go. But in any case you still have a very long ways to go for the anime and many great adventures await you. So hope you enjoy more of luffy and his shenanigans.

ArtimesGamer Dec 10, 2020 1:50 PM
The announcement basically stated that Eiichiro Oda the author of One piece has officially confirmed that One piece will end and it will be entering its final arc soon. How ever the translators at ohara forums were able to analize the kanji of the word "arc" in the official announcement and was able to identify the kanji word for japanese actually is used to represent "saga". So we will be entering the Final saga of the story. So in that respect, there is still a good chunck of story left because its not just a single story arc, its a whole saga. But THAT saga will be the final.

The advertisement made the reference as the 10th volume of the One Piece Magazine will focus on a theme of rereading the manga to "prepare for the climax."

So with that being said, oda emphesis that its very immportant to "re-read" or if your anime only watcher, re-watch the story as many things will come to a head in the final saga and that its so easy to be spoiled in social media these days. The editor of one piece publication naito at the time, says its immportant to catch up well you can, other wise some of the deepest mysteries and secrets will be spoiled before you have a chance to see them. I also took this information to mean that the story will start tying up many loose ends and things that were forshadowed ages ago, will finally come to light. Its interseting that he places such an immportance though on re-experiencing the story, almost as if so many things teased in the past will become very relevent and it will just all come full circle. I for one am very very excited and I have said from the begining that oda really knows what he's doing and he has the building blocks and bread crumbs in place, its just a matter of driving the story towards that climax.
ArtimesGamer Nov 20, 2020 2:34 PM
Wow, the message you quoted in one piece was like forever ago. lol. and here we are still watching this show in 2020. My thought process behind that comment about characters being delogated to arc centric roles in a story still pretty much is the same way i feel today. To many shonen series i see characters, major villiians being written out of a story just because that specific arc is over. How ever things have evolved quite alot as the series has expanded and what used to be the argument about death never happening is now happening alot more often so obviously oda figured as things intensify more, then death needs to be a bit more apparent.

What I love about that show though is characters becoming relevent through the over arching narative and becoming a central point of the story is really what makes one piece stand out. Especially in later parts of the story when the plot starts to tighten its grip a bit and is less episodic.

Also I think there is a rather large influx of new one piece fans coming on board because everyone probably knows or heard it from there friends that One piece is finally entering its final saga and its ending.
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