Hi there!
Pretty much me...
Anyway, moving on...
I started watching anime at the end of 2013.
First anime watched and completed: Naruto
100th anime listed: Hyouka
200th anime listed: Plastic Memories
300th anime listed: Haikyuu!!: Karasuno Koukou VS Shiratorizawa Gakuen Koukou
Hobbies include:
- Listening to Music
- Watching Anime
- Eating
- Playing Basketball
- Playing Video Games (League of Legends)
- Sleeping
Top 10 Animes
(Not in order)
(This is my own personal opinion)
(Includes all seasons of the anime)
(Click on the Image to find out more about the anime)
Top 10 Characters
(5 Females and 5 Males)
(Click on the image to find out more about the character)
Favourite Genres:
Slice of Life
My rating system is nothing below 6. I don't know why but it just doesn't seem right to rate an anime that you complete really low. Well, to me at least.
Note: My scores are only based on the anime adaptation of mangas, VN etc. Since I don't read much manga my score might be different to what a manga reader would rate an anime adaptation.
Here is what I base it off:
6 - I watched but got confused somewhere along the line and it just stuffed up the whole thing for me.
7 - It's bearable to watch but there are many other animes that I could've watched instead.
8 - It was OK and an alright storyline.
9 - These are the ones that have a very good plot or make me laugh a lot.
10 - These are the ones that I love that took me into the story the whole way through and gave me all sorts of feelings for it. Made me laugh, sad and on the edge of my seat every episode to find out what happens next. Some might be simply because they have good art and animation. Animes that make me cry are an instant 10. Also animes that are hilarious and make me laugh every episode. There are a lot of these for me to be honest.
Note: If you have YOUR own opinion and try force it onto others, and don't consider THEIR opinion. Please... Just don't say anything at all.
I am open to all opinions. Just keep mine open to you. Thanks :)

Est <--------------------------------- | ----------------------------------> Laura

Admit it, you like unpopular anime too.
Unpopular Anime Supporters Club

Admit it, you like unpopular anime too.

Grisaia Fanclub

League of Legends

Summoner Name: Draconian|Server: OCE|Fav Champ: Draven
All Comments (160) Comments
I bet you are, I just wonder how long it will take for us to see it. I also wonder would they consider doing a theactrial release like they did Kizumonogatari. (I will pick up where I left off and reply to the rest later since this is where I was)
Kizumonogatari was good, very shafty, but a different character design. (*it is not too big of a deal*) It was also mostly dialog so don't go in expecting much. It was pretty much a setup to the story. It laid everything out there so if you haven't seen the monogatari series you would not be lost. One of my friends (who recently got into anime) fell asleep through half of it. It was fun watching anime in theaters. Once again you are surrounded by anime fans alike.
She really is pretty. Did you go see TWICE... if it was I am sure you would brag lol.
I promise I will reply soon but that message was so long I am really upset
P.s. You don't have to get me anything. I don't know why I got it, maybe to help grow your anime collection lol. I do consider you a friend even though we don't talk as much.... kinda like my friends here lol. Click the spoiler to see what it is.
I have noticed.... I even know who your favorite is.... or at least I think she would be your favorite. I just can't get into KPOP.
Yeah, I am really looking forward to the summer season.... a lot of series that I can't wait to see air so I am hoping for the best.
It has been an interesting two weeks. We saw the largest number of nominations we have ever seen and the introduction of a semi-final round which was exciting until the end. Now with all that it is time to vote for the Face of UAS for the Spring Season. With this our club will be redesigned to fit our new winner. Voting will take place 4/16 and last until 4/24 at 23:59 PST (MAL time). The winner will be announced on Monday 4/25 and the redesign will take place that week. Vote now and make your favorite the new Face of UAS!!!
For those who find these messages annoying this will be the last one for a while
p.s. I didn't like Reina in Musaigen no Phantom World. Not even being voiced by Hayami Saori helped. Never thought I wouldn't like one of her roles.
Well it is time for the start of the spring anime season and after taking a break for one season it is time once again for us at UAS to select a new Club Picture. In this forum thread nominate your favorite unpopular anime and/or character. Each member may make two nominations only. They may be anime/character, anime/anime, or character/character. The choice is yours. Nominations start Friday 04/01 and go through Friday 04/08 23:59 PST (MAL time). Shortly after a poll will be created using 6 selected nominations. If your selection isn't chosen worry not as we do this with every new anime season. (4 times a year) Who knows, maybe your nomination will be the new face of UAS!!!
New to the process
*Upon announcing a winner, the club page will be redesigned reflecting the character or series that wins.*
This year I took a lot of pictures. There were over 300 in total but I narrowed it down to a little over 200. I hope you enjoy.
Also I excluded most of the pics from the cosplay contest. I couldn't figure out how to adjust the camera until about the end.
For me Christmas was great. I was absolutely busy throughout however I got so much stuff (most of it I bought for myself lol) I will send you pictures soon. New Years was really quiet and I have to say that I think that I enjoyed that kind of New Years. I have recently started catching up on my anime and instead of being 3 seasons behind, I am now 1 season behind. This year I have decided to be more active here again and try to make more time for the things that I enjoy.
Summer.... not looking forward to it here. Winter never came so I am sure it will be extremely hot here this year.
Yeah me and my friends talk about it all the time. We are finishing up school but are we really doing what we want to do for the rest of our lives? My interest are so vast that I don"t want to do anything rash that I regret it later. My advice is to take your time and don't stress over it. You have plenty of time to make a good decision.
I know. I am trying to get better at that too. I created a tumblr and a facebook page for the club to recruit more members and increase activity. I am on vacation this week so I hope to do a lot for the club this week. It was no surprise that Kanade won KDEGL of the Year this year but also not surprising that Fremy gave her a run for her money... she had to be one of my favorite characters last year.
The animu community is amazing that way. I think I will be a part of it for years to come.
Still haven't gotten my yearly total yet. When I do I will be sure to let you know.
Lol everyone knows the feeling. I spent a lot this year at Christmas and with Matsuri being earlier this year.... right now as a matter of fact I am preparing for day #2 right now. You just have to get back on it. I of course will be sending you pictures and possibly try to make another video this year.
Yeah like Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry. I thoroughly enjoyed this one in large part due to the MC getting together with one of the characters. I think that we will start to see more of that as time goes on. Did you watch it?
Your anime collection is starting to take shape..... oh I gat you something for your birthday. I don't know if you will like it but I think that you will. We have to talk more often or it may be a while before you get it.
I really should be getting ready to go.... I will make sure to take lots of pictures and video.... look forward to it.
Also before forget, me and my friends are going to see the Kizumonogatari movie tomorrow. It is premiering today and tomorrow and we ended up getting tickets this time so I am excited.
I like your new loli btw.
Firstly I would like to apologise for the absurdly long time it has taken me to finally serve these membership cards up but I've managed to find the time and motivation to (hopefully) catch up with over a year's worth of requests!
You can find your membership card located here: http://dropcanvas.com/zd2cp
If there are any issues let me know so that I can get it corrected as quickly as possible.
Man I really want to go. Around Spring time it is so expensive to go, but that is probably the best time I could go. I still hold my "one day" wish too and I plan on making it happen. I love my kotasu and can not wait until it gets really cold here. Surprisingly it is still kinda hot here. It will be summer for you soon.... got any plans?
My friend told me the same thing so he used cash and gift cards because his parents would check his account to see what him and his brother are spending. I am a department manger for the largest grocery chain in the United States. That is one of the reasons why I am so busy. Even though I have a good job I don't want to do it forever. That is one reason why I go to school. Really and truthfully I have no clue what I want to do and it does scare me a bit however I want to do something that would make me happy rather than do something because I make good money.
I did and once again we fell off again. I plan on getting us on the right track so look out for it. Have you stopped by recently?
Well I will start off with saying that there statements bother me as well. However with all the negative stereotypes that anime fans receive because we a bunched up into one big group I would say as an anime fan and avid watcher it would be ridiculous not to count them as one. I shall explain. After attending my first anime convention 3 years ago I met a ton of people who would fall under the "mainstream" category and I was astounded to see them cosplay, take part in panels, attend the concerts, really soak up the anime culture. Many want to expand their anime range and if you look at it we all more than likely started in that mainstream category. If we can't embrace different people in the culture we will never expand the culture from that negative stereotype. That is one reason why I like it when people say that I don't look like someone who likes anime... I always get to ask "Well what does a person who likes anime look like?"
I know... I can not wait. A lot of people are talking about they feel that it won't be any good because 8bit is adapting it. Many are calling for KoiAni or PA Works to do it.... Especially after that JC Staff version of Little Busters (which I can understand) however I am looking forward to it. Now all that is left is for someone to adapt Planetarian. Rewrite is one of my favorite Key VNs but it is always nerve wracking to see which route they choose and how they adapt it. I felt Kanon and Clannad were two who were adapted beautifully while Air was too short and Little Busters started off great but ended so so.
It was fucking awesome. I cannot wait for the second season. I didn't think that I would like Assassination Classroom that much but I did. It is always a positive having alternatives. You never know what may happen.
It is a little of both. It is like sexuality is a taboo that the Japanese step on all the time where others are conservative. Let us look at the Japanese for a minute.... low birth rate, low crime rate, high on education, shy and reserved people. I don't think there view on including ecchi in the ir media is the problem. Haha food porn.... I just started watching it. Quite funny I might say. Prison School is on my list but I an=m so far behind.... I won't be breaking my record this year.
On my list as well.
Understandable. With time it will come. Otaku like other otaku. My first con was like that. My friends told me that I "led the way" because I was older.
Just put a little to the side, you will be surprised to see how it adds up.
I will find a picture and send it to you.
I can not wait.... February 26-28, 2016 two day before my birthday.
It was a 7 all the way for me. This is the problem when you change studios. It changes a lot.
I was surprised at how much I liked it. I finished it in two days. Like Trinity Seven it was "refreshing" to see a different type of Harem anime.
Hopefully we will. Talk to you soon.