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Yuusha ga Shinda!: Murabito no Ore ga Hotta Otoshiana ni Yuusha ga Ochita Kekka.
Mar 27, 2021 10:41 AM
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All Comments (24) Comments
I passed >.>
it wud be wayyy too crowded had they showed everyone.
u mean u put it on hold or did u just leave it for now :p
well nid isnt easy....she told me if she practices for a year then she has a shot.
not all so brilliant :P...u see, if she is repeating, then instead of 'wasting' her time with nid and other 'stupidities'....its better to focus on aieee for a whole year and then get into a good college.
this is what her parents will say.
but knowing chibi, she will spend most of the time reading manga again and prepare for nid meanwhile. next year entrance ka result will be the same, but chances are she will clear nid. she has been researching about it for quite a while xD
and i dont really have anything to reply to it xD
u havent completed hana kimi? o.o
well i dont really remember the particulars....but heck its a shoujo romance :P...u shud already know whats going to happen :P
i think its better that she is slacking right now. i wud want her to take a year off, and then crack nid/nift/cept or such entrance next year.
thats the right path for her. even if she clears an entrance right now, coll studies will be hell for her. maths is NOT her aptitude.
so let her be :P
well this is what happens when u dont propose to the girl u love ~_~
but that guy was in a harem for god's sake....and ecchi situations created by satsuki were no joke >___< \m/
even the mangaka had no idea which girl our dear protagonist wud choose.
i've only re-read hana kimi :-?
that too 3-4 times....god knows why @_@
noooo u cannot o.o
but u can open this damn site and reply ne? :P
yeah i read ichigo 100%...and it had some awesome ecchi situations =)))))
the ending and all was good too :d...i liked it.
but somehow i find indulging in pure romance very draining. kinda like watching serious drama. a reason why i have never re-watched clannad. loved it the first time. never wanted a second indulgence though X_X
i check my mail whenever i open lappy....and since a new comment comes as notice in mail.....i seem to create an impression that am always here o.o
i like romance as a side mainstream, i dont like it @_@
chibi-chan has asked me to read her fav shoujos so many times @_@
i know they are good....but i dont like shoujo >.>
addicted to romances eh? =))))
i know..after reading all the shoujos, i was soooo glad i came across it!
but that part where Takaomi-kun was tying her hair and she blushed was soooooooo awesome! ^O^
Mafuyu was totally adorable..what i really liked about this manga to begin with was Mafuyu's name.."Mafuyu Kurosaki" just sounds right..for some reason.and i really like it!
Usa-chan-man is a lol =))
i love TCP..u should definitely read it! AFTER reading Hana-Kimi though :D
thats what i did :3
heheh..ok that time maybe i'll know a few more?
Honestly, when i saw KnT anime first, i liked it for some reason(i haven't read the manga since i saw the anime)..but now that i think about it..its just another depiction of the "spineless female character" that i really hate :-/
Kodomo no Jikan? Haven't read it but do i put it?
Hanamaru Youchien has epic characterisation..characters are very very true to their respective nature..i just read the manga for it -o-
my phone DOES have an mp3 player..but my data cable *sob* lost ToT
That happens here too, but when mom goes to sleep/outing/walking or whatever im back here..and after dinner-time too :-/
Tell ur bro to switch brains with me >.<
Al my friends(yes allllll of them) are PMT-people..only a handful or people in my class going for engineering >.<
and the ones that are are as hopeless as me :-w
i've been out of my home for just once since exams started..but i didn't study diligently either >.<
rooftop is full of bird-shit :|
i don't know any library here T_T
i put my phone in my drawer..its on silet 24*7 anyway :P
giving it to me will be like confessing all the sins i've done till date..theres still a lot of things and msgs i haven't deleted =))
I have no time to study! yeeeeeeeyyy!! >:D<
i just study for 10 mins, roam around for 5 mins, study for 10 mins and continue the happens at any random time of the day :-/
4-5 hours? 4-5 mins sounds bearable to me..i wonder if i've studied even 2 hours a day ever in my life?
sleeping is what i do mostly these days >.<
*over n out* -o-