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Days: 128.6
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Zetsuen no Tempest
Zetsuen no Tempest
Nov 14, 2024 2:37 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Pokemon Concierge
Pokemon Concierge
Jan 14, 2024 1:32 AM
Completed 4/4 · Scored 8
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Arata naru Tatakai no Overture
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Arata naru Tatakai no Overture
Dec 30, 2023 10:23 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 8
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Days: 4.6
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  • Total Entries168
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Nov 14, 2024 4:02 PM
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20th Century Boys
20th Century Boys
Nov 12, 2024 10:04 AM
Reading 6/249 · Scored -
Nov 11, 2024 12:04 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -

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Ashhk Jul 31, 2023 11:05 PM
Happy birthday! :D
Rozzes Jun 20, 2023 8:38 AM
Thank's for accepting me, brat. I hope you are well and healthy enough, if not, let's try!
Ooowoahvictoria Aug 2, 2022 10:24 PM
Of course! Did you do anything fun for your big 21st bday?? :)
sakata-shi Aug 1, 2022 6:33 PM
happy birthday!
Ooowoahvictoria Aug 1, 2022 7:09 AM
Happy Birthday!! I hope you have an amazing day with loved ones!!
Ooowoahvictoria Jun 10, 2022 11:39 PM
it honestly sucks dude jeez >.> ah, you shouldn't feel bad though. I think most people on this site understand that people have lives and just aren't on this site 24/7. that's great!! I wish you luck!! I've gotten worse with replying to comments fast but it's fine lolol :')
LOLOL I get thatttttt. I felt that way when I was like at 100 anime lolol. sammeee!! there was a time when I started like 5 anime in 2 days but none of them really interested me.
aaaah, I know right!!! I'm glad that you're enjoying it so far ^ ^ HAHA, probably so :o since you liked rov and utena, I knew you would like this!! woohooo!!!
lololol xDD yeahhh, it's kinda awkward sometimes when I don't know someone's name but they know mine haha :')

aaaah thanks!! I'm glad that you liked that one but, I changed it eek! I wanted something more simple and clean I guess :o
Ooowoahvictoria May 30, 2022 12:07 AM
yeahhh, I have been working a lot so, maybe a break would be for the best. aaah, I'm trying lolol and I know, I just don't like to keep people waiting >.> same for me, it's so good!! within the past year, I feel like I've watched so many good shows and I feel like I'm running out of good things to watch LOL.
I knew she would be haha :> it's sooooo good!! I want to rewatch it one day :o I'm glad that you are!! I think you'll like the intense drama! if you thought rov or utena was dramatic, then just wait until you get more into oniisama e :o LOLOL FOR REALLLL xD
ah nice!! I'll start calling you David from now on then :> nice to meet you lolol c:

eeekk, thankssss!! I'm glad that you think so!! this one took A LOT of work @____@
Ooowoahvictoria May 24, 2022 11:28 PM
ooof, I honestly need to take a hiatus from mal as well. I'll get home from work and be sooo tired and ready to go to bed and then I'll be on mal until like 2am o__o this is honestly just self-sabotage at this point ughh :') as you shoulddd, Utena is for real one of the best anime I have ever seen and I miss it so much!! more people need to watch it ASAP!!
WOOHOO!! you should tell Karina! she would be so happy to hear that you started it :> aaahh I'm so glad that you did!! LITERALLY!! I think they look and act so similarly :o

I know I woulddddd. yeahhhh, if I were miraculously able to catch up to this show one day then I would literally go out and buy myself ice cream as a reward :')
Ooowoahvictoria May 19, 2022 11:36 PM
I think so too. I hope it comes out soon aaaahhh >.>
yuhhhh, that's right!! I wanna rewatch it so bad but, I just don't have timeeeee. I've rewatched some of my favorite episodes but not all of them :o
aaahh you shouldddd omgomgomg!! AHHH YESSS!! ME AND KARINA LOVE ONIISAMA E!! She would be very pleased (as would I) if you started it!!
OOOF, same. I just don't have time anymore ughhh. I do wanna watch it eventually
legionnairee May 18, 2022 8:57 AM
thanks for the accept ^^
Ooowoahvictoria May 13, 2022 11:40 PM
I have an iPhone so, I think it'll run fine but I would just rather play on PC or console ig :o
That's trueee. Yuhhh, we love to hear that!! The Utena op and both of the eds are amazing ^ ^
It's veryyy cute!! Yes, it can be relaxing but, it can also get intense too!! Aaaahh, I will later lolol. I just don't want this message to be too long aaahhh!!
OH LOLOL, yeah that sounds more reasonable lolollllllllll. Me either aaahhh!! That's what I've heard but omggg, it's still literally 1,000 chapters o___o
Ooowoahvictoria May 10, 2022 11:33 PM
That's good c:

Haha okay, I'll let you knowww xD Yeahhh, that's what it seems like :o I just feel like it would be so annoying to try to run it on my phone. I have a decent phone but idk, I just feel like it would be such a pain >.>
SAME!! Me and Karina were just recently talking about how much we miss Utena haha :') You shoulddddd!! It's so sweet and it's kinda like you're watching a fairytale. It's so relaxing to watch!! I could go on and on about how much I love Princess Tutu but, I won't, for your sake :') LOLOL cause I'll ramble for a long time LOL
Eeek, rewatching One Piece? That's crazy o___o I have not seen One Piece yet aaaah!! It's just way to long for me to start watching itttttt
Ooowoahvictoria May 8, 2022 11:25 PM
Hi! No, not at all, it's fineee. I've been doing okay. I hope you've been well!!

Oh wow, really?!? I had no idea! That's pretty exciting!! I hope so, it would be really cool if it came out in the summer!! Ah, I see. I feel like my phone could handle it but, I really don't want to play on mobile >.< For reallll. When I was watching Monster, it had all of my attention and I had to force myself to watch other shows LOL!! Ooooo nice, I'm sure that she'll love it!! Hmm, I would love to rewatch Shoujo Kakumei Utena and Princess Tutu c: What about you?

Thank you :>
Ooowoahvictoria Mar 21, 2022 11:44 PM
Aaaah, I'm glad you enjoyed the ending!! I liked it a lot c:

Ooo nice!! I want to get into Genshin but, I'm hoping it'll come out for switch so I can play it. Or is it already available for switch?? :o Niceee, I've watched some people play Apex and it looks fun!! Elden Ring looks really cool. I wanna play it but, I don't have anything to play it on :'( Oooof, I get that. Monster is that kind of anime where you get so into it that you don't really want to watch anything else. I know I will c:

Yeahhh :< I'm taking a break from college. I'm trying to figure some stuff out :')
Ooowoahvictoria Mar 5, 2022 10:47 PM
You're welcome c: Ooo niceee!! I hope you're still enjoying it ^ ^

Dangg, that's rough :/ Oooof well, I guess that isn't too bad lol. Ooo cool! What've you been playing recently?
Yes, I think so!! Maybe I will!! Trueee, I know that when I watch a couple of episodes, I'll get into the groove of it. I haven't.
Lol, I guess we're in the same boat then haha. Lol cool :)
You're fineee
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