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Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!: Rojou Kansatsu Kenkyuu Nisshi
Jul 15, 2013 1:04 PM
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In the end though, they only showed off 3 or so returning species and 1 new form. So it seemed like a missed opportunity to me o_o
Anything you're especially looking forward to in the new games? What about the new pokemon? ^^
I looooooooove Wooloo and Alcremie, they're so cute~ <3
edit: I don't know how, but somehow I accidentally deleted my last comment...
Though I thought S/M had many problems other than that :p
Right now I'm playing Pokemon Ultra Sun, in preparation for the upcoming games~
So what hobbies do you enjoy? :o
Like for example, there's a club here called Candy Kingdom, and they also run a Discord server called Candy Kingdom ;p
It's crazy how mainstream Discord became so quickly haha ^^