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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Mar 30, 2017 7:06 PM
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Storywise 22 is probably my favourite, the spin on resurrection was awesome. Giving birth to your own mother, would she still be your mother or would she now be a daughter to you? loved it.
If your son likes artistic visuals, I'd recommend he watch Mononoke(the series, not Princess mononoke) Gankutsuou, Kaiba and Kemonozume. Each one uses a very different style to the norm in anime.
What anime does your son like?
I agree about the characters, they do have very similar designs.
I get that FT uses shorter arcs to stop them from dragging on and getting boring but the fast pace offsets the progression. Too many strong enemies appear in rapid succession that are meant to be much stronger than previous opponents, but they still get defeated easily even though the FT members haven't really gotten any stronger.
Ginko isn't the most exciting character, but he's a great character nonetheless. His calm demeanor and the way he treats mushi as simply another form of life rather than some sort of disease/virus is a nice characteristic of his.
Also the music is just heavenly. I listen to the soundtracks all the time, it's so well crafted and no song ever feels out of place with the scene it accompanies. Top 5 soundtrack for me.