I like metal music like slipknot (yes i'm a maggot for those of you who knows what that is) and I watch anime sometimes not All the time but sometimes but when I Do it's usually full metal alchemest and Death Note, And if u like Rock or any type of Metal feel free to talk to me
I luv my girlfriend on this website she goes by Moka -Chan or VampireMokaSan
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We have re-open the contest so go and vote here. the club is getting bigger but slow. But you can make it active! Hope you help out in the club!
near my heart OK?!
and yes on my side ><
and ya I'm ok ^^
he got my in the side thoguh ><
ok ok!
when I was walking home yesterday I got jumped by some adult man....he pulled a knife on me and cut me a bit until I smashed his face into the cement and ran off ><
there happy!?!