Hey the name is jake. i like most all anime lol although i go on cycles of being into it i'll watch anime and be a hardcore otaku for maybe 3 to 6 monts at a time and then i'll kinda lay off of it for awhile. i've been watchin anime since i was i think 13 my bro got me into it lol. i don't own a ton...yet but my colletcion is growing. i've watched maybe 90 to 92 diff animes just can't remember them all lol so i'll update my profile is i start to remember. hit me up if ya wana chat about some dank ass anime or what not. i'm pretty chill and enjoy most conversation so yeah lol.
World of Warcraft FTW
Darklordryo 80 Nigt Elf Death Knight -Antonidas
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Here's the card that you requested from the King of Hell Fan club. I apologize for the delay