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Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love ST☆RISH Tours: Tabi no Hajimari
Jan 25, 4:13 AM
· Scored
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Days: 61.3
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All Comments (55) Comments
May all your dreams come true! xoxo
I tend to like to start a conversation with everyone I invite instead of just giving you a random invite.
*If the invite doesn't go through just message me about it*
So have you played much of Sims 4?
Hey guys!
It's been so damn a while since the newsletter came from our club... I'm sorry...
It's all because the RL, work and life in general >.< It's all a mess, so I don't come to MAL to play so ofter anymore.
But, let's not talk about that. Here are the good news!
So, that is it. Pretty nice news, eh? ^^ Once again, I am sorry for being inactive in the club and MAL in general. *bows*
Also, don't forget our old threads that are also open:
-Official Member Cards-
-Sign in for newsletters!-
-Request a kyodai-
-Help me! Admins and officers needed!-
[GAME] Lottery game!
[GAME] Alphabet anime!
[GAME] First letter - last letter (PICTURE VER.!)
This newsletter is sent to every member, so if you're not signed in for ityet, do it please. Thank you!
i also looove detective conan *^*
:: C.C.O. Official Newsletter::
Hey there everyone! How are you doing?? We are writing you to inform you all of a few things!
• This is an occasional newsletter, sent to every club's member but with no frequence at all. You could receive it once in a month or even less.
So a little memo: if you'd like to receive a regular newsletter (usually weekly) about the club's activities and what's not, you can sign up here!
• We've recently opened a brand new claim, it has a bi-weekly frequence and is quite particular,
take a look!
• Also a brand new category.5 has been opened too!
• Same goes with the usual weekly normal category topic. About this, we wanted also to let you know that the next category might exceptionally open this incoming sunday rather than the usual monday, so you might want to keep an eye on the club ;3
That's it for now, we wish you to have a great day!
Come to pass by and visit the club every now and then!
We'll keep you posted with the regular newsletter!
Have fun claiming at C.C.O.!