I'm a twenty year old university student majoring in Linguistics.
I'm not really a big anime fan which surprised me when I realized it. I do enjoy a good story so I watch a couple of series every now and then (plus the occasional manga.)
I'm awkward and detached. Which works for me sometimes.
If it interests you enough, you can also look me up here:
> this is where I put musings, narrations, foolishness and things of that nature
> some reviews of films, music, anime and manga.
All Comments (8) Comments
mph, i really wanted to read the other stories - i just love yumeka sumomo!
I got friends who love tattoos. They got stuff like spiders, weird symbols, religious symbols--stuff like that. I would never know what to put on my skin, so I might end up tattooing my whole body since I wouldn't have an idea what I want.
I don't think I could get a visible one because I plan on being a teacher (maybe) someday, and I don't think they would allow me to have an apparent tattoo in the school I would like to teach in. It's my Catholic secondary school, btw. But I know a teacher had a tattoo on her finger, and several students have. They just have to keep 'em covered.
And then there's always the notion that if say some possible significant other doesn't like tattoos. Or worse--what if my mom flips out??
Curiously enough, the same girl had no idea I was three years her senior. I am mega-short as well. I reach the grand scale of 5'2". Or am I 5'1"?? I can't remember...
Oh, a tattoo? What of? I don't have any, even though my friends insist that I get one. Well, one friend. The others are like, "Do what you want to." I don't know. I'm very afraid of getting one. And I don't think they'd look good on me anyway. Plus, I don't have like any real image that I want to put on my skin. If it were up to me, I'd put a fleur de lys or a Nintendo mushroom. So, see? Not exactly the coolest or most significant of things.
"Chatting up"? :P You amuse. In a good way!
How was your birthday? I think you turned the big 2-0, am I right? :O
Happy Birthday!
(I was reading your review for Love My life, and I linked to your profile, and I saw that, you know, your birthday was December 1st and I thought, "Why does that date seem important...?", only to realise that it is the actual date for today...)
Ugh, I'll just crawl away now that I've been ridiculous.