All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 114.4
Mean Score:
- Watching47
- Completed336
- On-Hold46
- Dropped7
- Plan to Watch577
- Total Entries1,013
- Rewatched2
- Episodes6,765
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 63.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries430
- Reread0
- Chapters6,659
- Volumes1,270
All Comments (420) Comments
I'm not sure if you'll find it useful. You've seen way more anime than me and it's quite possible there won't be much there for you. I feel like it's really limited right now because they weren't sure that they'd have much of a market for it, but it's been great for finding things for my girls and I to watch. Even if it means I have to rewatch a few things. Hey! At least we're creating that bond together, right?
So how are things going for you? I see you've had a lot of storm and tornado activity down there. That's so crazy! Hope you're staying safe. We never get anything here but wind. Wind, wind, and more wind. Rain never lasts for more than 15 minutes. I kind of miss the Minnesota summer weather, but definitely loved not having any snow. Loving the heat too. Sun feels so good. Ryan's been super busy with work, and his grandma is having health issues so we've been hanging around the house so he has some extra cash to go back to MN and see her before it's too late. It's cool though cause in like a week and 3 days Beth is coming out here for about a month. I'm so excited :) I don't mind hanging out me a chance to be bored and write, cause if I'm being honest, that is where my true motivation comes from, lol. I recently finished up the second half of book 5 ( I know you've read the first half) And am currently doing a weird rotation thing where I'm working on book 6, as well as reworking and rewriting books 1 and 2. Ah....will I ever be happy?? Speaking of writing, I think I've written a book on your page here. My bad!! Talk to you later girlfriend :)
Hello everyone! ~
Live long and prosper,
by Katekyo Hitman Reborn! FC's Staff members
To everyone in PCM,
I hope you enjoy your Valentines Day!
Hello everyone ~
KHR! FC Staff ~