10 +Great anime with original stories, memorable characters with a great development, an excellent soundtrack and a perfect rhythm, in addition, they have depth in their history, encouraging viewers to see the entire series again.
9 +Excellent anime with great stories, characters, rhythm and soundtracks, they have flaws in some dialogues, scenes, characters and even in their ending unlike a rated anime with 10.
8 +Entertaining anime to watch; They have a good rhythm and interesting characters. I also include all those anime with original premises that although they have flaws in the development of characters and their rhythm, they stand out for their elaborate animation. Example: madoka, redline.
7 +Anime good, they are entertaining anime but they fail more continuously in their rhythm, story characters and especially in their development (they start well and end well but in their central part they are hard to see). In this score I position all those anime that although they have a large number of cliches and too many defects, they have an original plot that I value a lot.
6 Relevant anime. They have some aspect that stands out from the rest, such as their animation, soundtrack or some character, even with various inconsistencies in their plot, characters and rhythm.
5 Animate average. Current anime made to entertain, they are full of cliches, their stories are simple and generic, although they are not insulting anime in any way.
Example: many shonens, and school animes.
4 Anime bad. They are uncomfortable to see, they have soundtracks out of place, their rhythm is erratic, one or more of their characters are annoying or simply have no development, their premises are ridiculous or simply poorly carried from start to finish.
3 Horrible anime, totally uncomfortable to watch, they are inconsistent in characters, development and everything else, their rhythm is horrible. They have some detestable characteristics, such as excessive victimization of characters, excess ecchi, deus ex machinas and asspulls.
2 Insulting anime, a challenge to stupidity, ridiculous premises, their characters and motivations do not make sense, besides, these characters are unbearable. The end of these anime are the worst part.
1 Scum Anime. Anime "wolf disguised as a sheep", they are apparently good anime for the community, but in reality they are the worst that has been done, they have unjustified fame, they are characterized by not having some kind of goal in their history, they are premises written randomly, his characters have no personality (also cliches and unbearables). The development of the anime is Zero. Examples: FLCL, Dragon ball super.
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wish you many many happy returns of the day, have a good one!
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PD: Cuando vea LWA agrego Akko a favs(?