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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Shuuchiin Gakuen Nanafushigi
Oct 22, 2020 5:13 PM
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Well... One Week Friends was sorta sad but not really that sad cuz they sorta resolved the main issue at the end so it wasn't really that tear jerking. I felt like it was more heartwarming with a few sad moments if that makes sense.
XD I liked the four dimensional breasts bit. Because I agree, because at some point their breasts can be larger then their heads which I find to be an interesting anomaly lol.
Overconfident is one thing but them being this "touchy" is another. Like if I was a girl I would be creeped out lol.
And on the topic of romance Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai? did you watch it?
Yeah, I generally hate the cliches on both ends. Cuz for guy oriented romance, the girls are very quick to undress and for girl oriented anime, the guys get too “touchy” for my taste. So he’s a good balance where he’s just genuine sweet and considerate and she’s a cutie pie lol.
Yeah, no one I know is impressed with it as well. Well to be fair no one I know likes romance the way I do lol. And on the topic of romance, did you watch DN Angel? I freaking love that show! The romance is sublime lol
Btw, I saw that you had Kimi ni Todoki on your list. Its good right? I loved the male protagonist, he's so adorable. Like I generally don't like shojou romance because the guys are perfect to an annoying degree but this guy is just the right blend of sweet and silly. What do you think?
lol. I never meet people who actually watched it so im getting excited :)
and I have to ask, is clockwork planet really that good? cuz Im thinking of reading it but Im afraid of it being a generic harem.