I was just making my way around MAL and stumbled upon your page. Looks like you're on Hiatus at the moment but It seems like we have "92% Anime compatibility". Whenever you get back do you mind suggesting me something to watch or read? You seem to have good taste lol
yeah so...hourou musuko is one of the best things ever made. not just like the story and emotion, which was really incredible. its also one of those anime that has its own visual style.
I think you support them pretty admirably. Plus, you definitely showed more fortitude and restraint than most. There are just certain individuals on this website who really, really require the patience of Buddha to respond civilly to.
Hey, just wanted to say thanks for your willingness to be open, polite, and your continued persistence in the Would You Marry a Transexual thread. Many people are jerks and won't get it, but I think a lot of people have certain viewpoints just because they really don't understand what it's like to be in someone else's shoes. So an openness and willingness to promote discussion I think is incredibly helpful to bringing a mature perspective on the topic. And you've been remarkably patient, given some of the more ignorant and cruel comments. So props. Your words and wisdom are appreciated.
I admire that you seem so sure of your position and readily defend it. I think I would find it harder to make an argument for myself if you weren't there. I hope this isn't, inappropriate.
It has a really high rating for something not super typical, so I'm sure there's a reason for it.
I plan to watch Kuragehime at some point, which I see is in your favourites. I might watch Monster too, but I'm kind of averse to long shows. I'm even hesitating to watch Revolutionary Girl Utena, which is about half the length of Monster.
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I really like you for some reason, heh.
I plan to watch Kuragehime at some point, which I see is in your favourites. I might watch Monster too, but I'm kind of averse to long shows. I'm even hesitating to watch Revolutionary Girl Utena, which is about half the length of Monster.