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Days: 23.2
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- Reading284
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- Total Entries700
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- Volumes467
All Comments (29) Comments
Thank you very much! Its not a problem, im a person who can wait :). Im really grateful that you searched all your profile pics through! The right one was also there, so yeah
Thank you, made my day :)
*jumps happily around XD*
Bye ^^
From where are the two characters of your profil picture ?
Sorry to bother for such a question!
Just found your profile by chance and it seems you like Len from La corda d'oro... If you are a violin fan in general, I'd be very happy if you join the Violinist Association Club :)
If you do not, then sorry for disturbing you ;) and have a nice day :)
Ah, unfortunately it's still not it. I'll find it eventually. ^^
I don't think it was in the MAL data base.
btw, Bishounens are awesome. xD
Trust me, her supporting role is too minor to warrant inclusion on any seiyuu listing. She's probably in the credits but my Kanji is weak...
I have tried on several occasions and accept failure :'(
find it anywhere.
but thanks for replying back... :D haha
I was going to add Psi Boy to my list...
but I can't find it anywhere online to read it.
Do you know of a link I can go to, to read it?
I thought that since you added it to your list that you might now where I can go....
Thank you (in advance)