I apologize for not being as active as much on MAL. Especially in our club since it’s been dead for so long now. =( If you haven’t visited the club lately I just recently updated the front page with a new profile and added a new id card theme which you can request by visiting the links below.
In Korea, Daiwon has been releasing a new chapter of KOH in almost every issue of their magazine called comic champ. As new chapters get released I’ll update the series status on the front of those new chapters. They’re now 36 volumes released in Korea and volume 37 is expected to be release sometime this coming month.
As for Tokyopop, they still haven't published any new volumes and it's now been over two years since the last volume was released. In hoping of having TP publish more volumes in the US I’ve tried to get more people to show their interest in the series by either emailing and/or posting in TP forums. I’ve posted a thread on their forums questioning about King of Hell future and if they continue to release any more volumes. If you guys want to post your interest about King of Hell here’s the link to the thread that I made:
Hopefully the more the fans show their interest in the series the better the chances that TP can publish more volumes.
I’ve made a new member card that’s available to view in the ID Card thread. If you haven’t requested an ID card before and would like to request one, please post your requests here:
Haha, sehr schön :D jetzt haben wir sogar ne (ziemlich hohe ö_ö) Anime compability :D :D
Jaaa, zu Kuroshitsuji hat meine beste Freundin mich gezwungen ;D haha. Sie hat dafür D.N.Angel geguckt :3
Irgendwie find ich Kuro nicht schlecht, aber der Humor ist irgendwie nicht so ganz meiner :D :D
leider hab ich mein Passwort verloren und zuschicken lassen ging irgendwie nicht :/ also musst ich mich neu anmelden xD
Herzlich Willkommen bei MAL :) haha. Und wow *_* unsere Manga compability is somewhat high <3
All Comments (4) Comments
Jaaa, zu Kuroshitsuji hat meine beste Freundin mich gezwungen ;D haha. Sie hat dafür D.N.Angel geguckt :3
Irgendwie find ich Kuro nicht schlecht, aber der Humor ist irgendwie nicht so ganz meiner :D :D
leider hab ich mein Passwort verloren und zuschicken lassen ging irgendwie nicht :/ also musst ich mich neu anmelden xD
Herzlich Willkommen bei MAL :) haha. Und wow *_* unsere Manga compability is somewhat high <3