SnS Final has started for three months,
Do you guys like it? I love it very much!
At my forum in Taiwan,we write our review every episode,(about 50~100 person)
we laugh at the ridiculous professor,shocked against Yuji's change,praise Shana's beauty,and discuss the story.
Although it took time to rewatch the anime,to think what to write,but we're very enjoying it!
I also wanted to share all my writing to you guys,but they are all in Chinese,I'm afraid of no one understands Chinese here......and my English type velocity is very slow......
(If anyone want to read my Chinese review then I can post)
I figure out that I can make comment on your article!
so,if anyone you(or your friends)write review about Shana final,please give me the net address,so I can reply you!^^
Hello! Can you help me to post voting news in every Shana
fanclub members' profile?
I have to go to school then,so please give me a hand if you see my post!
I have told you,DamiPL,and heavenfree now,
you can call them to decide how to do the job.There are 2233 members in Shana fanclub,it's better to ask more friends to do this.
Sorry for the late2 reply......(Been busy lately)
Yeah not miss a single episode until now.... but miss to vote her in ISML last month... T_T
hey,are you also collecting eclipse subs....?
All Comments (48) Comments
Long time no see~
SnS Final has started for three months,
Do you guys like it? I love it very much!
At my forum in Taiwan,we write our review every episode,(about 50~100 person)
we laugh at the ridiculous professor,shocked against Yuji's change,praise Shana's beauty,and discuss the story.
Although it took time to rewatch the anime,to think what to write,but we're very enjoying it!
I also wanted to share all my writing to you guys,but they are all in Chinese,I'm afraid of no one understands Chinese here......and my English type velocity is very slow......
(If anyone want to read my Chinese review then I can post)
I figure out that I can make comment on your article!
so,if anyone you(or your friends)write review about Shana final,please give me the net address,so I can reply you!^^
Love Shana forever
your friend Tim
fanclub members' profile?
I have to go to school then,so please give me a hand if you see my post!
I have told you,DamiPL,and heavenfree now,
you can call them to decide how to do the job.There are 2233 members in Shana fanclub,it's better to ask more friends to do this.
Do everything for Shana!
but have to choose one from them......XP
I agree that...
Eclipse a little late right.....
this voting ballot will be closed one hour later!
(If you have voted~just call more friends to vote!^^)
The story is... i do not know what to say ...
it makes me pounding just watching ... ^^
Sorry for the late2 reply......(Been busy lately)
Yeah not miss a single episode until now.... but miss to vote her in ISML last month... T_T
hey,are you also collecting eclipse subs....?
Ruby necklace match has started,
Please vote Shana to get Ruby necklace,
Thank you!^^
It been a while...
i been busy for last 4 week and totally didn't voting any character...
T_T really miss it...
have to let everyone know about it...