All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 200.8
Mean Score:
- Watching85
- Completed1,678
- On-Hold232
- Dropped111
- Plan to Watch2,457
- Total Entries4,563
- Rewatched2
- Episodes15,749
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 122.3
Mean Score:
- Reading126
- Completed263
- On-Hold219
- Dropped10
- Plan to Read417
- Total Entries1,035
- Reread6
- Chapters11,719
- Volumes1,301
All Comments (293) Comments
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Never gonna let you down ♪
Never gonna run around and desert you (^^♪
Never gonna make you cry ♪
Never gonna say goodbye ♪
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you (^^♪
I really liked the premise, and *most* of the characters (really the excessive comedic relief made a lot of character shallow for me, including Tomori). However, the pacing was really bad, and the final could have easily been 13 episodes on it's own.