All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 82.6
Mean Score:
- Watching95
- Completed354
- On-Hold48
- Dropped3
- Plan to Watch142
- Total Entries642
- Rewatched23
- Episodes5,074
All Comments (144) Comments
If you have time, try girls und panzer, it's interesting and hillarious if you are into tank.
College, college, college. Right when I think I can take a breather, something else pops up. I realized I will never truly be "free" until the semester is over.
Fire Emblem: Awakening for the 3DS. I'm a series veteran and a huge fan in general. The game has eaten up a lot of my time recently.
How you been?
I've been really impressed by those shows so far too, as well as Natsuyuki Rendezvous, but I don't recommend it unless you like josei. And Koichoco and Tari Tari have been fun so far too, even though I'm not really sure what kind of show Tari Tari wants to be. Overall, this season is shaping up nicely though.