"You are what you love, not who loves you." --FOB, Save Rock and Roll
Currently reading: ???
Currently watching: Inuyasha!!!, Naruto (IVE COME FULL CIRCLE), Deadman Wonderland, and not that it's relevant but The Walking Dead
Currently listening to: ATLA/LOK soundtracks and Naruto openings
Currently writing: atla fan fic
Currently playing: Nothing and I'm sad because I won't be in orchestra anymore.
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I've been gone for a long time. I recently got back into watching anime so...
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I got my car repaired again. Still, I don't think I'll be using it for long trips anymore when I can take a train instead :\
Lernst du immer noch Deutsch? ^^
A happy new year to you, too! I hope you had a great start!
I'm doing fine, preparing for the next round of exams and stuff. There's also hope that my car is going to be fixed - it's been broken for nearly half a year now, and I can't wait to go for a ride again :D
(I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this before, but besides studying electronical engineerings, I am also receiving training as an electronical engineer at a governmental agency called "Bundesnetzagentur").
It seems I won't be able to take more than two weeks of holidays because I still have much to learn for yet another exam that I'm going to take in September.
I had planned to go on kind of a "road trip" to Norway with two friends (Xeri-chan and Shahondin, as they call themselves here on MAL) since the other two now also have their licenses. But this isn't going to happen this year for various time and money related reasons :P We're sure to do anything this summer though, we just don't have a plan what exactly "anything" is going to be ^^"
How about you? Got any trips or events planned?
As someone who loves mathematics, I remembered this:
when you mentioned your brother's and my birthday :P Funny coincidence, none the less. Give my regards to him : )
I see, so GPA is a similar system to the one that is used to calculate the "Abiturnote" that we get at the end of the "Gymnasium". That one was so complicated though that I can't even remember how it worked ^^"
About the long Math lessons: We always go through lots of stuff in those 3 hours. For example, we had gone through all the stuff I learned in my last two years of school after two such lessons.
Learning Japanese is really fun! Especially learning to write in Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. Kanji are hard though - just look at the characters for "language" and "shop", for example!
How's the weather in Illinois? It got really warm and sunny here in the last few weeks(finally, I've had it with all that rain in March, April and even May). Which is why I'm going to barbecue today ; )
Technical English means that we're practicing the usage of English in Engineering context - There's mostly exercises about describing technical processes and how to give/understand orders.
Counter-question: What does GPA mean? ^^"
Glad to hear that it's going smoothly for you. 97% sounds pretty awesome, too! Maybe I should write my next comment in German ; )
Japanese would be my fourth language then; counting German,English and Latin.
I'd like to take on Italian after that ^^
Gotta go now, there's three ours of Mathematics ahead ^^
So, how has your first term in high school been so far?
By the way, I'm also having a course in Technical English this semester - it's much like back in school, with a workbook, and homework, too XP
And I'm looking forward to the Japanese course at the local "Volkshochschule" (don't know what would be the equivalent in America - it's a learning facility where you can take courses in various subjects against a small fee).
How about your German lessons? Was I right with German grammar being difficult? ^^
January 2012 Edition
Well, I think English grammar is a little less complex than German, and since we started very early (3rd year of school), it was easy to learn. My spoken English may be kind of weak, though, since I didn't speak much English in the past few years : (
Success on the "Gymnasium" is not based on competition. You get grades based on your exams and your participation in the lessons, and if those are too bad, you have to repeat a year. At the end, there are the "Abitur"-exams. And if you pass those, you get the "Abitur". (I think it's pretty similar to high school and the high school diploma that you'll get.)
However, there is some kind of..." competitive spirit" or something like that among those who strive for top grades :D
Out of curiosity: After having some lessons in German, what do you think about it? Do you find it hard to learn?
It's alway nice to hear that someone is interested in your first language; Just ask if you ever need native speaker's opinion ^^
I'm off to work for now. (Meh, it's so early in the morning X\ )
Well, I've just moved away from home and am now living in Göttingen. I'm now studying for my Bachelor of Engineerings. Life's quite exciting now, 'cause there's a lot of new things too learn when you're living alone - and studying is muuuch more... easygoing than school :D
How about you? Has summer break already ended?
p.s.: Oh, sorry I didn't answer to your last comment. "Gymnasium" is a kind of school here in Germany. Our system works like this: you go to elementary school ("Grundschule"), and after that, you can choose between three branches: "Hauptschule", if you're not that good at learning; "Realschule" if you have no problems with learning, but don't plan on studying; and the "Gymnasium", where you can earn the qualification to study.
And after that, it gets more complicated... Well, never mind ^^"
Hm, that teacher seems to be a harsh critic - or maybe he just... can't comprehend your writing style or something?
Ever tried publishing something you wrote on the Internet (in a blog, some forum, maybe here on MAL)? Trust me, if the anonymous don't pick it to pieces, then it can't be all bad. Or have your friends read it and give you some feedback. That may not change the grades you get, but at least you'll know if you need to practice more or if your teacher just doesn't see that you're a writing genius^^
Anyhow, have a nice day! Or enjoy your evening, whatever fits best when you read this.
p.s.: Luck wishing will be conducted in 3... 2... 1... Ping, luck wishing executed. Good luck!
p.p.s.: By the way, how lengthy is such a book report?
Ellis Island? Yeah, we talked about that in elementary school. Playing immigrant sounds fun - we only sang some song about America as the "Melting pot". Can't remeber how it goes, but I think it was something stupid, like probably all songs we sang in Elementary school - especially in the English lessons :D