All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 113.1
Mean Score:
- Watching6
- Completed438
- On-Hold31
- Dropped55
- Plan to Watch242
- Total Entries772
- Rewatched0
- Episodes6,535
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 94.6
Mean Score:
- Reading58
- Completed100
- On-Hold63
- Dropped20
- Plan to Read101
- Total Entries342
- Reread0
- Chapters16,205
- Volumes1,118
All Comments (33) Comments
yah hopefuly :P
what is japan like?
floods? i have never seen a flood in real life
hows the weather over there still stormy
so it is good?
here is a story i am working on if you want to read it go a head but if you dont want to it is fine :P
its like i go to some ones house and i am manly then i see there dog and i start to talk to the dog in a high pitched voice saying oh your so cut yes you are yes you are:P
then i look up and the person is looking at me like i am a diffrent person :P
chloie and libby are boath miniature snouchers.... chloie is black and her hair is evreywhere lol and libby is grey and her hair is for the most part down and strate...
i used to have two others but they died, one from a car hitting her and the other from old age ...
oh you should get it it is fun... lots of stuff to do...
oh ok then ... my brother is playing skyrim you know of that game right?
do you have pets?
yah i would but i need money for that...
oh i am social when i am talking to people on the internet and my friends but if it is some one new then give me a day or so then i will become social with them...