If you liked
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
...then you might like
Nihon Chinbotsu 2020
They are both share the overall setting of a large earthquake causing mass destruction and loss. This leads the protagonists of both shows through some amount of journey through the decimated landscape. Also, both have the themes of the importance of family, friends and community. If you're looking more for the mission impossible wanna-be-badass journey Nihon Chinbotsu is for you. But if you wanna actually sympathize with some characters Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 is the one...I certainly felt more emotions while watching Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, take that information as you will (I think it had more to do with the weird pacing and direction taken in Nihon Chinbotsu 2020 because in theory, I should have cried more in that one than Magnitude 8.0)
If you liked
Punch Line
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Done by the same studio they both have a vividly colourful art style that is both very expressive but also playful. Another similar note is the fact that they both start off with somewhat crude humor that you have to look past to see a compelling story that has twists that you never see coming and even at times threatens to bring a tear or two. The moment I watched Sarazanmai the first thing that came to mind was Punchline so if you were able to see past the crude nature of panties and kappa butt problems you'll find a very enjoyable and compelling anime. the twists though friend...the twists are a killer