Code Geass in not rushed to the most part. In fact, it is very slow as it reuses the same themes in both seasons by having a lot of characters having amnesia and changing sides all the time. Logh has a huge cast of characters so until it focuses on all the major ones, the plot feels just ok.
It feels like everyone are going to Japan exept me.. ;_; Oh and it's so weird that when I started actively talk about wanting to go to Japan about 4 years ago no one was going.. and now my cousin wants to go there and then at least three of my friends... -__-;; What the hell happened?.. XD
*comes to steal your money*
hehe of course you like.. ;)
Aw.... Now I want the baby frog! :D I wanna see pics! ^__^
So how was the house warming party?.. Did you have fun?.. :3
You've been in Hing Kong?.... How long have you lived in Australia?.. O_o *curious* And yes i do know what are read pockets.. :P (you can give them to me! :D)
I heard there has been 40C!! That's hot! FOR MANY DAYS! O_O I would die!... X_x I'm half dead when it gets around 30C here.... Oh well.. You might freeze if you came here! XD (which you should do....)
The cutest panda! :3
Yup yup! ^__^ (if I only could understand better what they write....)
How many?.... Erm.. no idea... Well the largest ones are summer break (about 10 weeks) and Christmas break (about 2 weeks)... Then we have a week break somewhere erm... Feb was it?... It's on week... And then some random days here and there... XD
5 week?... >_>
I can take off your shirt! :D With my cold hands... :P
Well I was a "stalker"... I started at him if I saw him that's it.. :P
Well I got history (Finland one which I don't like... it's boring.. -__-), math, Finnish (that test will kill me X_X), Swedish (erm..) and religion (church history :P)...
I've never played wii... I would like to play.. ^__^
>_> Don't complain! Here is so damn cold and it's not even snowy/winter yet... :P
Hm.. Maybe... I should see the pic first and then think is it possible.. ^^;
All Comments (87) Comments
It feels like everyone are going to Japan exept me.. ;_; Oh and it's so weird that when I started actively talk about wanting to go to Japan about 4 years ago no one was going.. and now my cousin wants to go there and then at least three of my friends... -__-;; What the hell happened?.. XD
*comes to steal your money*
hehe of course you like.. ;)
Aw.... Now I want the baby frog! :D I wanna see pics! ^__^
May I ask what blog?.. :3
Awww... Next time take me with you to Hong Kong.. ^__^
really?... I would love to take one... ;D
lol After the coldness outside you may feel the warmth inside my bedroom.. Was that your idea?.. XD
Hello Kitty panda! Souns super cute! I want one then! :3
Ah yes that's true.. But I haven't read that kind of blog yet.... :P
You've been in Hing Kong?.... How long have you lived in Australia?.. O_o *curious* And yes i do know what are read pockets.. :P (you can give them to me! :D)
I heard there has been 40C!! That's hot! FOR MANY DAYS! O_O I would die!... X_x I'm half dead when it gets around 30C here.... Oh well.. You might freeze if you came here! XD (which you should do....)
The cutest panda! :3
Yup yup! ^__^ (if I only could understand better what they write....)
My New Year was great.. ^__^ I spent it with my cousin and her friend... Can I come with you?... Never celebrated Chinese New Year.... :3
So hot... X_x It never gets that hot in here... over 30C is a thing that can happen.... XD
Awwww... So cute! ^__^ Can I have it?.... :3 pweeeeees... (=please...)
PS. That's what I thought.. It's totally normal.. No stalking...
lol Lazy country, eh?...
My hands aren't cold atm.... x3
Nope... Well does celeb blog reading count?.. :P
(you can't wish merry xmas too many times.. ;D)
5 week?... >_>
I can take off your shirt! :D With my cold hands... :P
Well I was a "stalker"... I started at him if I saw him that's it.. :P
You take off first.. :P
Not you... -__-;; Someone else.. Or more like I WAS..... XD
Well... You could.. hehe~ *wink wink*
Omg! O_O *stops the fingers* You first! XD
Meh I'm a stalker myself so.... Oh not your stalker... Some other guys.. XD Not that big one but you could joke about it.. :P
Ah~ massage.... Thanks honey *chu*
Hm.... Maybe.. XD
Hehe vector... yeah.. *too lazy to look from the dictionary and she knows it doesn't help with photoshop terms* get it?.. :P Cause I don't.. lol
Nah... Not really... XD
Yay lots of glomps! :D
Hm.. Ther's a point.. But if there is hot you can take off your shirt... :3
I have no idea what you are talking about... ^^;
Every... inch.... hm..... Can I do that to you too then?... x3
I've never played wii... I would like to play.. ^__^
>_> Don't complain! Here is so damn cold and it's not even snowy/winter yet... :P
Hm.. Maybe... I should see the pic first and then think is it possible.. ^^;
You do?.. O_O I doubt it... :P
*gives you a looong hug cause she misses you*
*chu* <3